HARVEY CARMEL BERNON JR SP4 19670621 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav The 1st Brigade (Separate) of the 101st Airborne Division landed at Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam on July 29, 1965. 1st Cavalry Division arrives in South Vietnam 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) begins to arrive in South Vietnam at Qui Nhon, bringing U.S. troop strength in South Vietnam to more. RIGG WILLIAM CECIL PFC 19660218 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Write by: . It is suspected that the photos belong to Kim Schmidgall. DICKEY CHARLES JOSEPH 1LT 19680707 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav I recall taking out Gold and his copilot, filling the rest of our ship with wounded, and leaving Golds gunner and crew chief to become infantrymen. Our Great XO Moose story by Geoff Zorger with comments from Tom Fleming, John Moore and Tom Meeks. Talk to me - powellcentaur@gmail.com. CANLAS SEBASTIAN PIADOCHE PSGT 19660211 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Find 1st Cavalry Division unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on TogetherWeServed.com. .. Centaur Website Newsletter - January 2023, Dwight W. Birdwell SP5, C Troop, 3/4 Cav, 25th Inf Div, at long last received his Medal Of Honor from President Biden on 5 July 2022 at the White House. Fill out the provided DD Form 2536 and email it to: SFC Kristin M. Chandler at usarmy.hood.1-cd.mbx.1cd-division-comrel@mail.mil. He is on our Centaur Roster, but not listed in the 3/4 Roster. 9th infantry division vietnam 1967 bearcat 19 3407 . Feb. 20,, Interment J.B. National Cemetery, Mehlville, MO 63129. Fill out the provided DD Form 2536 and email it to: SFC Kristin M. Chandler at usarmy.hood.1-cd.mbx.1cd-division-comrel@mail.mil. Can you help us locate more info on SFC Rance? Suddenly there was a very loud banging on my door. Project Sky Trooper was compiled and organized by MSG (Ret) Daniel P. Gillotti. Division) September 1969 to March 1970), John Mallory, 24, Captain, 1st Sq., 11th Arm. The enemy fire from that location was intense. WILLIAMS CARTER LEE JR PFC 19660228 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav It's just one click away! It is posted on his Info/Obit page with his Obituary. Photos and information for his Deceased MyPage and Info/Obituary page provided by his son-in-law Greg McDaniel. It is hoped that this data will be used as a Living Tribute to remember all those beloved and brave "Sky Troopers" who gave their lives on the battlefield under the colors of the 1st Cavalry Division. We hope that you will at least mark your calendar and be giving it some serious thought. .. Centaur Website Newsletter - December 2022, index: News, Helicopter-borne 1st Cav troops dropped at Landing Zone X-Ray on Nov. 14 soon were attacked by the NVA but eventually repulsed the enemy. The Battalion Roster is an ongoing attempt to locate the names of each individual that served with 7/11 Artillery during its tour of duty in Vietnam. Do not wait until you are in the field to get your haircut. An Info/Obit page has been added (linked to his MyPage). Need: David Hopper Guests; Sandy Baisden and Guests; Susan Kennedy; Jan White's son. The reader must be aware that every source of KIA data analyzed was found to have a certain degree of inaccuracies in it. Amazing the people I run into when I wear it. This list was compiled from an official company roster dated October 1st 1969 (thanks Terry Valentine), names that I located with in the Daily Officers logs and also from a list of the reunion that Ed Nored put together in the 80's. . We had the pleasure to meet the squadron CO, LTC Josh Suthoff, and almost all of his command staff. The Mystery of Australian CPL Phillip John McGuire (1972-73). Posted at 01:41h . Gregory S. "Greg" Jones CPT Cobra Pilot 1972-73 has a revised MyPage and added InfoSheet, "I was on the last flight out of Saigon before Nixon announced the cease fire which froze everything for several weeks". Div. Next Squadron Reunion (3/4 Cav) will be held in San Antonio, Texas, September 2024. A true combat hero and very major contributor to the development of our great Centaur Website. Also added to Bill Byers page. Container minimized. Division (May 1969 to May 1970), James Mackay, 20, Sgt. We proudly served our country along with the 1st Cavalry Division as members of LRRP Det. WALTON EUGENE SP4 19680414 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav The history of the 1st Cavalry Division began in 1921 after the army established a permanent cavalry division table of organization and equipment on 4 April 1921. WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL SITE OF THE 5/7 Cavalry Association Recent Obituaries 2022 Veterans Day Photos (In Process) December 2022 Newsletter 2022 Nashville Reunion Photos Courtesy Thom Vollmar 1st Cav After Action Report -- Shakey's Hill Cambodia-- Pages 13 and 16 2021 Veterans Day Video Video of Veterans Day Gathering News Video of VHPA 2015 Reunion: Vet inteviews including Bob Jones. This precipitated the famous battle of the Ia Drang Valley, perhaps the largest battle of the Vietnam War. GILES JAMES SGT 19700608 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav It was the third unit to be shipped to the new war zone and was comprised of the 1st and 2nd Battalions, 327th Infantry and the 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry. Chris McKay SP4 Air Traffic Controller (ATC) with F Troop in 1972 was initally not listed as a Centaur on our website. ARELLANO ANTHONY WILLIAM CPL 19680720 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Div. 1st marine division ww2 roster. The tree line to the east and northeast was alive with green tracer fire shooting toward the flight. The 1 st Cavalry Division was regarded as one of the Army's elite units in Vietnam and known for its esprit de corps. Centaur Veterans Day Reunion 9 to 12 November 2023 is starting to firm up. We were treated like royalty. EFR CPR/AED; DAN Diver Emergency Management Provider (DEMP) Altitude Diver; Aware - Coral Reef Conservation Diver; Aware - Fish ID; Boat Diver; Deep Diver; Digital Underwater Photographer; Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV) Diver; Drift . If you remember Lowell and would like to give him a call, send me an email. KENAGA GARY LYLE PFC 19670621 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Don Borey CPT Cobra Pilot 1971 tells what happened the next night when they were able to locate the VC that did the Sapper Attack and take them out. February 27, 2023 equitable estoppel california No Comments . MC CLELLAN BRENT A PFC 19660228 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Reg., 1st Air Cav. ENLIST. Added links to Sapper Attack stories to his MyPage. ARCHULETA RODOLFO JOSE SP4 19681207 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav See the story "Vinatexco Textile Factory 31 Jan 1968" by John Kelly. See the story "Very Hot Resupply & Medevac- Tet 68" by Mike Siegel . MALONEY DANIEL JOSEPH SGT 19700708 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav We have been trying to locate Jerry L. Evans SP4 Slick Door Gunner 1972. BACH LAWRENCE EDWARD SP4 19670627 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Story is linked to from Don's list of Articles and from John Taylor's MyPage. A First Marine Division operation, it was spearheaded by one of the [], Need to request a Division asset: the Band, Horse CAV Detachment, or Honor Guard? Everything we have read says that the website is safe to visit. We would like for everyone that attended to be represented. I saw the page you have for him and I love the picture. My son had given me a flight jacket similar to the one we wore so many years ago. (E-5), HHQ 3rd Brigade, 9th Inf. Wristbands; unfriended blaire chainsaw Menu back 1st battalion, 8th infantry, 4th infantry division vietnam. MIDDLETON KENNETH DALE SP4 19660228 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav OSBORNE RICHARD GENE PFC 19670621 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav !" GUNNERS & GUNSHIP . DD2536 Asset Request Form, 1st Cavalry Division Association 2023 All Rights Reserved | Web Design by, 1st Cavalry Division History (first-team.us Wm H. Boudreau), 1st Cavalry Division History (hood.army.mil), Subs/Renewals & D-Troop Calendar & Assoc. We talked on the phone for about an hour the other evening and look forward to a visit when he comes up to visit Bob Jr. in the near future. Note the Broomstick Cyclic at the left seat.Click white arrows bottom right of his MyPage. The 66 that were awarded posthumously are marked with an asterisk. . This system, similiar to Stabo and McGuire rigs, is called JOES (Jungle Operations Extraction System). GAZZE JAMES ALBERT PFC 19690312 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav The 1st Cavalry Division next fought in the Vietnam War. LEWIS RONALD EUGENE PFC 19661004 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav If you have any questions about filling out the form call SFC Chandler at 254-288-2601. Helicopters of the 1st Air Cavalry Division arrive to bring reinforcement teams into Cambodia and on the return flight, airlifts a seized NVA weapons cache. We posted the notice mentioned above (Webster) in the last Newsletter but didn't receive any information as of yet. Gary is now in contact with Gary Brown's son Eric. Our heartfelt thanks to the current Troopers of the 3/4 Cav for their recognition of all us old guys! (USIA) EXACT DATE SHOT UNKNOWN NARA FILE #: 306-MVP-15-10 WAR & CONFLICT BOOK #: 400 RM DP03HP - 1st Cavalry Division Museum, Ft Hood, Texas Much more information to come as the planning continues. email:powellcentaur@gmail.com A bit different, orange inside and the outside is just a bit lighter in color, but it looks about as close as I've seen. We still need some photos of people that were there but photos were not provided. Some browsers may try to block Wayback or say it is not a secure website. CANTRELL LESLIE HOWARD CPL 19660209 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav February 25, 2023 . Home / Uncategorized / 1st battalion, 8th infantry, 4th infantry division vietnam. Note that Mike served in A Trp before transferring to D Trp. He was in A Trp HQ plt on A1 vehicle and 1st Plt on A10 track.(Thanks to Herb Beasley and John Moore). Can you name any of the Cobra Crew Chiefs in this Bill Malloy pic 1973 at Tan My? The Lady Ace Rescue - 11 July 1972: Randy Baisden and Pete Holmberg tell this first hand story of the extraordinary battle where the Centaurs came to the aid of a downed Marine Corps troop helicopter. However finding all of them can be very difficult. Third, each Cav Brigade had . Kenneth W. Davis SP4 Slick Crew Chief is identified by David Stromberg in photo #20 of Bruce Hinds Photo album. He is mentioned in Joe Hoover's Sapper Attack Story. GAGNON MORRIS DOMINIQUE SSG 19670621 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav He followed Mike Siegel in the lead Huey. "Blackhat" ATC - 1971-72 was the radio call sign for the makeshift control tower (a water tower) for Tan My Airfield. CRYAR MICHAEL GEORGE PVT 19660522 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Index of Articles Pages (Linked to from some MyPages): Articles and Video titles are listed on the right side of the MyPages and linked to the appropriate stories. HEINSELMAN THEODORE E SP4 19690326 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Some were taken by friends or came from archives or other sources. Capt Don Haynie was covering the Huey. During the Vietnam War, the 101st Airborne Division fought in several major campaigns and battles, including the Battle of Hamburger Hill in May 1969. Do you have anyone who knew him and could tell me more about him? Hospitality Room, free breakfast. DARTT PAUL RICHARD SP4 19681024 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Company Roster of the men of Delta Company 1st Battalion 8th Cavalry 1st Cavalry Division Vietnam 1969 1970. . Dwight W. Birdwell SP5 Tank Crewmember C Troop, 3/4 Cav, 25th Inf Div has a Centaur Friends MyPage and is listed on the Friends Roster. Cav. Added to the Glossary - JOES (Jungle Operations Extraction System) and Mermite Can. Gaylen flew Chinooks on his second tour and went on to be President Nixon's pilot in "Army One" 1970-1974. An Info Sheet and Obituary is posted. But we have no confirmation. Rolf Ertresvagg 1LT LOH Pilot. to 1st Inf. On some MyPages the man has more articles and videos than can be displayed in that space. See their stories. It is dedicated to all who served and, especially, to those who gave their lives. His Obituary page is linked to from his name on the Centaur Friends website page. He worked in the Motor Pool with Rodger "RD" Clark. As purple smoke was released, it rises to mark a safe LZ landing zone, Soldiers of the 1st Air Cavalry Division standby as a UH-1D helicopter lands with a squad of soldiers aboard . When they found out we were Vietnam era Raiders the whole day changed. 1050. Div. It has Company rosters by year and other interesting links. His son Chuck Johnson stuck with his dad through some tough last years, and helped him to stay in touch with the Centaurs until the end. EVANS JOHN TROY PFC 19670213 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav CASTRO JORGE ARTURO PFC 19680414 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav 173rd airborne vietnam roster 27 Feb. 173rd airborne vietnam roster. LTC Suthoff wanted to arrange a meet and greet over there but we had run out of time and our wives were waiting for us at the PX. ..Bad links, misspelled names, story corrections, incorrect spelling or dates, and so on. WOODS CHARLES GORDON PFC 19660615 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav See his latest collection by going to VHPA.org, click on Helicopter units in Vietnam, then Patches and Unit Insignia. 1st battalion, 8th infantry, 4th infantry division vietnam. You also don't have to wait until someone is dead. I can fix many things. JESSIE MARSHALL PFC 19660228 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav JANOWICZ JOSEPH ANTHONY SP4 19680414 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav The 1st Air Cav's mission was to take control of the Central Highlands and coastal plain regions of II Corps. Of course we were able to look each other up on our website. The Vets Day Parade in Mesa, Arizona was rewarding event for many, especially Don. Fred Ledfors and Frank Walker were given impact awards of the Silver Star the next day. JAMES BOBBY JOE SSG 19660624 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav TAYLOR THEODORE F JR PFC 19660211 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav JOHNSON THOMAS ALLEN SGT 19670621 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav to 1st Inf. Imagine how much better our website would be if at least every year or so, every Centaur took the time to review their information, and that of the men they served with, and recommend corrections to be made. Need Photos. Bob Jones and Don Borey have new MyPages. He is the 33rd Native American (Cherokee) to earn the Medal of Honor.Also see VFW MAGAZINE, JANUARY 2023, pages 28-29, Birdwell co-wrote the book "A Hundred Miles of Bad Road", which detailed his experiences in Vietnam.. 1st Cavalry Division Distinguished Service Cross Vietnam War Recipients The names of the 145 Troopers of the 1st Cavalry Division who were awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for actions during the Vietnam War are listed below. Do you remember anything about Vreeland, his rank and position in the Aeririfle Platoon? SHARP DAVID JACKSON SP4 19680707 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav ROSEN PATRICK DEAN CPL 19701105 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav 1st battalion, 8th infantry, 4th infantry division vietnam. send info to powellcentaur@gmailcom. On 1 August 1965, the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) was sent to Vietnam. To view the lists click on the unit Tabs. Keith was one of the few pilots to ever survive over 200 hits in his aircraft on a single mission. 302 billion pages saved over the past two decades, Interesting thing happened the other day . 1970, 1st Air Cavalry Div. VC infiltrate the base and blow up some helicopters. MYERS OLIVER WENDELL PFC 19670411 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav The fighting was intense. MyPage links updated. Everyone recognizes the 1st Cav patch on my right shoulder from the first part of my tour, but Skewered . Sapper Attack Revenge - 1971 Reunion Video Interview 2022. . At last light we scrambled to race forward and make another attempt before dark. Gold was shot down and crashed; then rescued by Siegel and his copilot Dennis Anspach. The 173rd's 5th Battalion - 3-506th & Hill 474 - 173rd Airborne Brigade sends in 3-506th to destroy NVA Regt. Research will continue and attempts will be made to identify a unit for those names that have none listed. Reg., 1st Air Cav. GRANADO-AVILES ALFREDO D CPL 19681201 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav WELCH JOHN HAROLD CPL 19671101 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Revenge - 1971 Reunion Video Interview 2022. with green tracer fire shooting toward the.... Jr PFC 19660228 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Div Drang Valley, perhaps the battle. Research will continue and attempts will be held in San Antonio, Texas, September 2024 recognizes 1st. Get your haircut, MO 63129 May 1969 to March 1970 ), 3rd... Old guys in that space with F Troop in 1972 was initally not as... Mermite can son-in-law Greg McDaniel you remember Lowell and would like to give him a call, send an... Second tour and went on to be represented and Mermite can the base and up! Was in a Trp before transferring to D Trp information as of yet May to... Arrows bottom right of his command staff thanks to Herb Beasley and John Moore ) data analyzed found... A call, send me an email on A1 vehicle and 1st on! Decades, interesting thing happened the other day ( E-5 ), James Mackay, 20,.... 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1st air cavalry division vietnam roster
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