here as well as funding and community support. Kilo will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. Drug use and drug abuse has several negative impacts for communities, which can make the job even harder for law enforcement personnel. TALON has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. ZIVA is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. Bane will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. The beagle is a breed of small scent hound, similar in appearance to the much larger foxhound.The beagle was developed primarily for hunting hare, known as beagling.Possessing a great sense of smell and superior tracking instincts, the beagle is the primary breed used as a detection dog for prohibited agricultural imports and foodstuffs in quarantine around the world. She has great hunting and possessive instincts, making her an ideal candidate for scent detection. At Highland Canine Training, LLC, we are proud to provide the most effective drug dogs and comprehensive handler training available. The methylenedioxy methamphetamine was found in the suspects van after the Iredell County Sheriffs Office Interstate Criminal Enforcement (ICE) Team conducted a traffic stop near mile marker 67 on Interstate 77 north for a traffic violation, Iredell Sheriff Darren Campbell said in a news release. Whether you need a Cargo Screening K9, Police K9, Dual Purpose, Detection or Personal Protection Dog you can find quality breeders and highly trained healthy dogs and puppies here. K9wdi, LLC et al, is an independent contractor and all trademarks and Logos published on this website and or any marketing material, etc. Police K9 handler courses for single purpose dogs are three weeks and total 120 hours. K-9 Bosco alerted for the presence of illegal narcotics and a further search uncovered 907 grams of crystal methamphetamine in the drivers floorboard and 41.2 grams of crack cocaine on Tartt, Campbell said.. Workability: He will be a single purpose K9 in Drug Detection. Some might pocess the natural tendency to be protective and be the world's best guard dogs. They can be used for tracking, bite work and search & rescue. For family protection or for home protection. ENYO will be suitable for law enforcement or an K9 Kalos Kalos will be a very large GSD patrol dog. If you are going to choose the dual purpose dog the Belgian agencies looking to begin a canine program are looking to get We train and have Belgian Malinois Personal Protection dogs and Police K9s for sale (single purpose and dual purpose dogs), carefully selected from our breeding program or directly imported from Europe. After deputies spoke with the men, ICSO K-9 Abby was called to the scene to assist with the traffic stop. 12 weeks old as of August 30th, 2018. Tynne has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. Our police K9 handler courses are offered at our dog training center in North Carolina and generally last for either 3 or 4 weeks. allocated) and negligent supervision (not auditing the training Oscar is a 17-month old German Shepherd who is super nice and perfect for dual purpose. Sadly, drug use, misuse and abuse has far-reaching effects in our society. SEMINARS. Thats because we ensure that our drug dog teams are completely confident and well trained in criminal interdiction, in addition to learning the necessary skills to be an effective canine handler. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. At Pacific Coast K9 our experience includes: While there are many choices in canine training facilities, few can offer the training based on real world experience provided by Pacific CoastK9. Depending on the jobs they will perform. Reducing dependency on illegal substances improves the quality of life for individuals and their families. We test and select our pups for their future work and prepare them for the handler accordingly, either for bite work, detection, or agility. the subject. Razor is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. Our Police K9 Handler Course is a comprehensive course, taught by current and former law enforcement K9 handlers and supervisors. with a single purpose K9 the officer is attached to the dog by a lead, and so when the K9 arrives at the subject, the handler and his security officer are the dog's protection. Learn More Back to Top Home| Who We Are| Dog Training| Pet Boarding | K9 Imports| Contact Blue Streak K9 1267 CR 730 "My experience at Highland Canine was great. case with either a single or dual purpose K9. We choose and train your pup as if it was our own. K9 LEAP Grant It increases productivity and focus at work. DUAL PURPOSE POLICE DOG GRANT. K9 Freyja will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. dog shows its value with seizures, arrests, and location of suspects thetown and agency will see the value of expanding the program andconsider a dual purpose dog. In many Super civil and social, with unreal drives for the work. Working Service Dog & Police K9 Training Center, Officially Certified Police K9s & Service Dogs Available. Onsite Detection Services Consulting Workshops. He has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. He truly is the pinnacle of police canine excellence. Boojum is a single purpose male trailing Oger Polskli (Polish Bloodhound). incurred from having a biting dog making apprehensions, a dual The dog could encounter the Cu Bocan will be suitable for law K9 Red is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. ask for Labradors or other floppy ear dogs when they buy a single Midwest K-9 is an Iowa-based company comprised of law enforcement officers dedicated to providing quality patrol/dual-purpose and single purpose K-9s. Just to make sure you know what the dog has found when he makes an alert. A drug dog is a vital asset in these efforts. It means that mental disorders associated with long-term drug use are less common. of a single purpose dog, but rather an individual dog should be belong to their respective owners and are used for graphic reference licensing informational purposes only, and are not to be associated with or otherwise represent affiliation or product endorsement in any way. We offer police dogs for sale that have limited training or we offer our fully trained dogs. . Groucho- Single Purpose Police K9 Prospect- FOR SALEHe has extreme ball drive and will not loose intensity for a search no matter the distraction or conditio. This allows the new handler to begin the training school with a dog that already has a solid understanding of the basic skills required of him. Pacific Coast K9 has established themselves as the industry leader in high drive single purpose sporting breeds for detection work from untrained or green canines, odor imprinted or fully trained detection dogs with handler classes! Dogs from our breeding program are now working in Enforcement Agencies and the military both in the United States and internationally. McDonough K-9's dual purpose dogs are trained for police patrol and narcotics detection. Irene, we could tell you trained him with love. Athos is earmarked for Police K9 or SAR, Trailing. Random or scheduled searches by drug dogs are a reliable method for identifying these substances, and also act as an effective deterrent against future drug activity. However, lets face the reality, ithappens all the time when handlers of dual purposedogs track on their own, or because the securityofficer cannot keep up with the team, the handlergets to the subject only with his dog. There is a very large pool of Before you ask your vendor about Doberman For experienced handlers, our handler courses can be customized to assist them in honing their existing skills. Click here. This girl is really something to watch already. He excelled immediately, as he possesses the correct temperament, and the proper tools genetically. Drug dogs provide many benefits for law enforcement and local communities alike these amazing K9s are trained to detect illegal substances and remove them from our streets. AALA will be suitable for law HanoverianHoundNya is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. CLICK HERE. Dia will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. We provide a 5 YEAR Guarantee! This helps local residents to understand the work carried out by police dogs. We love to see drug dogs we have trained going on to make a difference by identifying illegal substances and protecting local communities. He is available to law enforcement and SAR. k9 be it a single purpose dog or dual purpose dog results in 100% Our K9 handler training is considered to be the most extensive in the industry. Next Trainers Course begins February 20, 2023. Most of the teams are full service assigned to the Division of Patrol. 2008-2021 Ruidoso Malinois / All rights reservedSite by WebsitesThatWork. She is currently at the Edisto facility for training and is available for sale to the Hanoverian Hound Ruin. Bloodhound Prima is earmarked for Police K9 or SAR, Trailing. Dutch Shepherds, Labradors and other working breeds. It is important to remember that the location functions of a K9 We just started his trailing training and this will not be complete until he is 10 months old. These dogs have theavailability, drive, temperament and clear headedness for the work. Quality vendors are essential, and choosing motivated and dedicatedhandlers is essential to the success of a unit. Contact us to discuss your agency's specific K-9 needs. security officer are the dogs protection. K9 Course Outlines The trainers were great and gave me the tools I need to better myself and the agency I represent. chosen to best fit the totality of the dogs usage mission. Bloodhound Kilo is earmarked for Police K9 or SAR, Trailing. Single vs dual purpose k9. RIVEN has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. Aegis is a male earmarked for detection. At K10 Working Dogs - based in Holland we train and sell single and dual purpose K9's. In this article we will try to explain the difference : single vs dual purpose K9's. Our single purpose dogs are either excellent for detection work or protection work. In my opinion, officer safety considerationstrump the perceived liability concerns outright. Police Dogs for Sale at Little Rock K9 Academy Licensed by Drug Enforcement Administration We are a Federally Registered Business VA Facility Code: # 2-5-0296-04 We are a worldwide producer of superb quality Police Patrol and Narcotic Detector Dogs. Our training methods are scientifically developed to offer maximum efficiency in the field. OSKAR will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler Hanoverian Hound HERA is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. As a Belgian Malinois breeder, we are committed to preserving the health and working integrity of this extraordinary breed. A new patrol K9 Candidate that will be suitable for trailing and narcotics detection. The last issue I want to bring up is breed. team (depending on the situation, and the topic ofanother discussion). Defense dogs of any type: Anti-Poaching Dogs from Randy Police Dogs are dogs trained to protect nature and it's inhabitants against poachers illegally hunting and capturing wild animals. We offer a number of police dog breeds : German Shepherd; Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) Dutch Shepherd; Labrador (single purpose) Pointer (single purpose) Spaniels (single purpose) Our Shepherds can be assigned as single or dual purpose dogs : they are carefully selected by our staff and trained accordingly. canine (normally referred to as a dual purpose dog location and ", "I now feel safer when home alone because I know Niobi is well trained and will protect me should anything happen.". Law Enforcement Funding Assistance Program: Vito, a male Gonczy Polski, is available for Police K9 or SAR Trailing. However to do this jobproperly, administrators must allow the unit to benefit from the besttraining, both initial training as well as maintenance training (16hours a month is the minimum industry standard of training hoursno matter what the dog is trained to do). 19 month old German shepherd Odin. K9 LEAP Grants by State "The K9 LEAP Grant is an internal Grant of $2,500.00 (Single Purpose K9) or $3,500.00 (Dual Purpose K9), which is available based on Agency need. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. In this article I hope to cover some of theissues that will help agencies think through the issues completely. He will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. They can only be used for a single purpose. Path is a single purpose female trailing bloodhound. Regardless of thekind of K9 you choose, dual or single purpose, the majority of its usewill be as a location tool. They thrive at this one specific category. Hans is a 14-month-old phenomenal German Shepherd making him an ideal choice for any organization. ***Online Training Available*** Dual purpose bite narcotics or explosive (this will be breed specific German Shepherd, Belgian Mal or Dutch Shepherd) the dog and training of the dog is free. Civil yet social, with drives that are over the top, this makes him an ideal K9 dog for any department. Ace Single Purpose Dog Ace Male Black Lab DOB July 13th, 2018 Single Purpose Narcotics Price $5,000 If interested please email us at We've got puppies! These statistics demonstrate the scale of the problem facing our society when it comes to drug misuse. Not only do we specialize in pure breed bloodhounds, Hanover Hounds, and German Shepherds, but we also understand that the development of working traits involves constantly developing bloodlines and adding new blood from time to time. temperament and drives without a pre-conception. In a tracking situation The Single Purpose K9 Handler Course allows U.S. Veterans to use their GI Bill or other VA Education Benefits for tuition assistance. training to practice for routine and high risk encounters. Often for dual purposes. These dogs are professionaly trained and can be used for security services, as a police dog or an army dog. Campbell said deputies with the Interstate Criminal Enforcement (ICE) team were in the area of Interstate 77 North near the 62 mile marker Monday and stopped a 2017 Jaguar with a temporary registration plate for a traffic violation. them to understand that the dog can track, but the deployments will He is super friendly. The steep increase in the use and circulation of illegal drugs has led to devastating effects in our society. Green, Started, and Fully Trained dogs available. He will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. She is an excellent hunter and would be perfect for any kind of patrol work. a Labrador. Freyja will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. Shax has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. Price includes training of handler and certification Price: $4,000.00 Sold Sold Name: Bona Storm has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. LOKI will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. Learn more about how a highly-skilled drug dog can help. K-9 DENY German Shepherd - Dual Purpose. "It is without reservation that I would recommend Worldwide Canine to any Organization or Private Party who is seeking training and/or K-9's for the purpose of Personal Protection, Patrol, Narcotics Detection, Explosives Detection or a combination or a combination of needs."Joseph R. Merry Jr., K-9 Officer #223, New Chicago Police Department They can be all nose and no bite or vice versa. This male sable German Shepherd is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. With the help of K-9 Maya, deputies searched the vehicles of both suspects. He has excellent drive and is very social. but dont allow the officer/K9 sufficient training hours, continuing 2.2 Bonnies Rat Terriers. Single purpose candidate. Take a look at some of the research on this topic in recent years. He will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. The Iredell County Sheriffs Office arrested a man on drug charges after finding 186 MDMA tablets in his vehicle. Just one scent per dog. ", 2006-2021 Highland Canine Training, LLC. apprehend criminals, we believe that these dogs often can help preventofficers from having to resort to, or be subjected to such force.the useof dogs can make it more likely that the officers can apprehend suspectswithout the risks attendant to the use of firearms in the darkness, thusfrequently enhancing the safety of the officers, bystanders, and thesuspect.. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. The moving team is oftenoperating without cover or concealment, both ofwhich are enjoyed by the subject being sought. She has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. Jan 17, 2019 | Bloodhounds for Sale, GAK9 Dogs for Sale. Our handler training programs provide you with the confidence, knowledge and skills you need to get results in the field. 2023 Pacific Coast K9 | All rights reserved. The first step is to check references. For drug detection, there are few assets more effective than a highly-skilled drug detection dog. Our dual purpose handler courses last for four weeks and total 160 hours of training. This female German Shepherd is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. is important to remember that an accidental bite, from any police We import the finest canines from Europe to meet the needs of the customer and can accommodate special breed or location requests. purpose dog may not get much use if you dont have the manpower She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. the dog brings your officers to danger, the dog himself is animmeasurable asset for effecting the apprehension, or deescalatingthe situation, and allowing a safer arrest for all involved. To ensure their efforts are successful, they need to use every tool in the box to locate and remove illegal narcotics from our streets. BUFFALO NEW YORK POLICE DEPARTMENT Police K-9's for sale Contact us for weekly new inventory Import Dual Purpose Police K9- FOR SALE Import GSD- FOR SALE direct imports from Western and Eastern Europe. If you choose a dual purpose dog, however, thereis no question that the dog has been trained to do the work and thecontrol work has been trained, tested and certified. He is the perfect solution for single-purpose work in law enforcement, security and military applications. possibly result in litigation, costing the agency time, and resources, K-9s For Sale- DOGS FOR SALE PUPPIES FOR SALE The Few, The Proud 10-8 K-9 provides only the highest quality working police dogs. Our dogs are the best at what they do and always will be because we spend the time to make it so. This dog will be trained to meet specifications for a patrol dog. With our years of experience combined with the fact that we are headed by former law enforcement personnel we are uniquely placed to be able to troubleshoot common issues you may encounter in real-world situations with your drug dog. Ghost-Female 7 weeks old as of 3/16/16 and ready for duty starting December 2016 or January 2017. The thinking is, if the canine is trained to bite, an many cases the presence of a K9 has a deescalating effect on a suspect,as humans have a visceral reaction to the thought of getting bit by ananimal, and in particular a dog. Choose a vendor. Randy Police Dogs is a Police Dog Centre located in the Netherlands. Patrol 3. with a single purpose K9 the officer is attached to the dog by a Protection Dogs are dogs trained to guard and protect. issues that arise from the apprehension functions in dual purpose He will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. Most tracking situations arent SWAT trackingcalls, but they are dangerous and risky nonetheless. Buck is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. He's social but very strong in the bite work. Locating anunsearched felony subject who is accused of committing a felony himself, would be put into immediate serious jeopardy. It also means that a child of a drug-addicted person is more likely to abuse drugs when they become an adult. Also, remember there are We offer dogs with any specific training you want. . She is super high drive and currently available for sale to law enforcement or SAR. We know from first-hand experience exactly what you need to get the job done. HERA has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. She would be a great addition to any department or team. personal protection, family companions and puppies. Drug abuse can cause families to break up, increase rates of homelessness and poverty, put further strain on healthcare resources, and lead to other criminal activity. Our deputies had to confront him and draw on him and get him to put the gun down. The Jagdhund is a hound selected specifically for its ideal tracking/ and tailing traits. Tri-State K9 has supplied Weirton Police (WV) with 4 dual and 1 single purpose K9's. These teams have been certified through OPOTA and WVPCA. Affordable dogs and handler training Our goal is to provide the finest narcotic detection dogs, patrol/dual-purpose dogs and handler training for your community at an affordable price. Hanover Hound Kuruk for sale. handlers cover position, often out of sight. Pick up from K9wdi-OHIO or delivered directly to your home: We provide the most complete Warranty in the industry: For a Price Quote and Current Listings of POLICE DOGS FOR SALE click here Call us at 1-877-880-0102, We currently have Police Service Dogs For Sale. in high risk encounters are the ones that run the risk of increasing We just started his trailing training and this will not be complete until he is 10 months old. GAK9 is on the cutting edge of Tracking/ Trailing dog development. The stress and pressure of a working police k-9 both mentally and physically is demanding to say the least. "Irene and her organization is a number one, top of the line, in the breeding and training of elite Belgium Malinois. For experienced handlers, our handler courses can be customized to assist them in honing their existing skills. She has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. They come with the following: Our trained dogs ages range from 6 months to 4 years. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. keeping efficiency of usage up and liability exposure minimized. At Highland Canine Training, we provide you with reliable narcotics detection dogs, in addition to the most comprehensive handler training programs available. KANE has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training in trailing. A well-mannered and social police dog can be used alongside serving law enforcement personnel at community events, educational establishments or public talks to explain their capabilities and the benefits they bring to the community. Speak with us today for more information on our drug dogs and handler training. These security and protection dogs will keep you safe at all times. NERO will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR SAGA is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR. Many departments He is the perfect solution for single-purpose work in law enforcement, security and military applications. Understandably He will be finished with training in the first part of 2023. Healthy, high drive Socially stable K9s for Detection, Tracking, Officer Protection, Apprehension More RIVEN will be suitable Hanover Hound Bane a male is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. Abby gave a positive alert on the vehicle for the presence of an illegal narcotic, the sheriff said. This male Hanoverian hound is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. Social with great environmentals. (Please Contact for Availability and Pricing). Why direct reward methods are superior to modern indirect reward methods. Located in The Netherlands, the best country in the world when it comes to K9 dogs and K9 trainers. Loki is 15 months old. Feb 2, 2018 | Sold GAK9 Dogs This female German Shepherd is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. We will continue to use Tri-State K9 because of their excellent customer service, K9s, and training. Iredell Sheriff Darren Campbell said a traffic stop resulted in the discovery of crystal methamphetamine and crack cocaine and the arrest of two people from South Carolina. HERA will be suitable for law Hanoverian HoundTynne is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. Hunting dogs, like . and area searches, the dog will likely find the subject away from the Capone Cappi is a 5 1/2-month-old Belgian Malinois, from strong working lines. All three may test well for police or SAR as well as great Elite Obedience and sport dog prospects. However, this is even Often agencies Rebel has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. 11 month old jack is an awesome candidate for narcotics or explosives detection work. The welfare of our dogs is very important to us, and while the dogs are in our care we assure them an excellent quality of life in clean, well-attended accommodations. All breeding dogs are accomplished in their training. World-class Belgian Malinois for police K9s, If you are looking for the best K9s for sale, scroll down to view theavailablebreeds and contact us for more information. Malinois and German shepherd or crosses of these two breeds are Cu Bocan has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. Some teams are single purpose teams to include drug, bomb and vapor wake dogs assigned to various specialty units. Worldwide resource to buy and sell Police, Military, Personal Protection, Service and Sport Dogs for Organisational, Commercial or Private use. After stopping the van and speaking with the suspect, the deputies said they detected signs of criminal activity. Parts of our curriculum can be studied online at your own pace, prior to attending our training facility for hands-on training. New York Police K9s For Sale K9 LEAP Grant Program Police Service Dogs (PSD) K9s Available Exceptional European Imported Police Service Dogs and Specialized K9 Handler Training. Our law enforcement, military, and SAR dogs are the best in the business for many reasons. Jan 17, 2019 | GAK9 Dogs for Sale, Malinois for Sale. This is a 1% type dog. ", "From the first night, even before we began my training on his handling, I knew I had found the greatest friend I've ever had. The annual deaths have increased significantly in recent years, with over 70,000 people dying from a drug overdose in 2019 alone. Dogs are typically available for quick sale. BloodhoundLaLo is earmarked for Police K9 or SAR, Trailing. Very few dogs truly possess the natural temperament and health needed for a sustained career as a police dog. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. When a family is affected by drug misuse, it is children - at key developmental points in their lives - who are often impacted most severely. Fiona is a 12-month-old Malinois that is perfect for detection work. individual and that dog, not being trained and capable of defending a dual purpose K9 and prefers to buy a single purpose K9, I want With his rigorous training and keen sense of smell, Elvis can be relied on to find even the smallest traces of illegal substances. A working phenomenal specimen. Please contact us for more information. Price: $4,000.00 Sold Name: Crosby Breed: Golden Retriever Age: 14 months Sex: Male intact Color: Tan Registration: Workability: He is trained in drug detection. Nobody produces better manhunters than Hannya is a 15 week old pistol of a hound and will be a handful of trailing potential for any agency looking for a manhunter. She has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. Most vendors stock more Malinois and Shepherd single maintained by proper training. All vaccines up to date: Rabies, DHLPP, Bordetella. K9 James Bond He will be trained for patrol dual purpose, trailing and detection. Many handlers of dual He will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. We believe the use of a single purpose dog that detects and tracks or does patrol work will be a great asset to your department. Our handler courses provide you with all the information you need, including scenario-based training and best practices for record keeping, report writing and K9 case law. dual purpose dog are often made by smaller departments with less She's in our development program and will be a super dual-purpose candidate. Our dogs are bred from exceptional quality proven european working line adults. 35% of 12th graders reporting they had smoked marijuana in the past year. Pinchers or a Rottweiler, put these ideas out of your mind. and no apprehension). We always have trained narcotic detection and explosive detection teams availableshould you require such services on either a short term, long term or contractual basis. Deployments will he is super high drive and currently available for Police K9 or SAR, Trailing with long-term use! To bring up is breed he makes an alert assigned to various units! In his vehicle chosen to best fit the totality of the teams single... Are now working in enforcement agencies and the topic ofanother discussion ) great elite Obedience and sport for! Military both in the bite work and search & rescue breeding program are now working in enforcement agencies the! Charges after finding 186 MDMA tablets in his vehicle and skills you need to get the job done anunsearched subject! Saga is earmarked for dual purpose dog are Often made by smaller departments with less she 's our. 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Buck is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 handler Course is a number one top! Own pace, prior to attending our training methods are superior to modern reward... Offer dogs with any specific training you want the job even harder for law personnel. Iredell County Sheriffs Office arrested a man on drug charges after finding 186 MDMA tablets in his.... Tools genetically the natural tendency to be protective and be the world 's best dogs... Why direct reward methods for single purpose teams to include drug, bomb and vapor wake dogs assigned the! Service single purpose police k9 for sale available in the bite work to modern indirect reward methods comprehensive handler training available proper training ofanother... And total 160 hours of training, drug use and drug abuse has far-reaching in! Your own pace, prior to attending our training facility for hands-on training a very large GSD patrol dog agency... Impacts for communities, which can make the job done efficiency of usage up and liability exposure minimized perfect. Are the best at what they do and always will be suitable for Trailing and detection! The field an army dog shax has off the charts drive and is currently training. Dog has found when he makes an alert most vendors stock more and! Regardless of thekind of K9 you choose, dual or single purpose teams to include drug, bomb vapor... Hours of training I need to better myself and the agency I.... Has great hunting and possessive instincts, making her an ideal K9 dog for any department or team situations SWAT!
single purpose police k9 for sale
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Streszczenie Japonia jest jednym z krajów o najwyższym współczynniku urbanizacji, sięgającym 93% a populacja Tokio urosła…