If an Aquarius man or woman touches you on your face, shoulder, waist, or forearm, theres a good chance theyre flirting. Your Aquarius might not initiate close physical contact like a hug or cuddle session, but pay attention to smaller casual touches. Is it fixable or has he lost interest and I should leave him and maybe he will come back? He wants text messages or messages from you often to remind him that hes loved and that youre waiting on him patiently. If an Aquarius man does not like you hell not ask anything If you need more information about Aquarius man, try reading my book Aquarius Man Secrets. That means if he thinks you could work out well for him, hell come back to you with open arms. Its up to you whether or not youre ready to hear that truth. You cant expect much from an Aquarius guy! We did break up and I did suggested that we shouldnt talk at all anymore but he was like he wants to be close friends because he respects me and thinks Im different from the others. And sometimes being independent means forgoing any romantic notions. Im confused, I do not know if I should hold him tight or should J just leave him and let him be.. His care has not gone away overnight as is why hes still showing you. How to Know Aquarius Man Falls for You? He is using you to unhealthily cope with his personal problems. Did he just say this because he felt pressured or he meant it. We got into an disagreement and ig wen he came to fix it he saw me texting someone else. Always checks to make sure I made it home alright and asks me to stay the night sometimes because he doesnt want me driving home that late. His zodiac sign is Aquarius, meaning hes very independent and individualistic. Dont get stuck in the middle or end up being his second choice! What happens when you send love energy to someone? He opens up more to you 6. From twin flames to psychics to dream interpretation, we cover it all. I want to know everything about him and his past. What if I told you there is still hope for you and your Aquarius man? If hes not into you, it will be clear in no time. So even when they commit, they still want their freedom. The best thing you can do is remove your energy and focus on yourself for a while. It complicates things too much. With that said if you did something that really ticked him off, hell pull back to think everything over at several angles. Aquarius men are intelligent. We always told each other everything,but he just ate his promises and left without even trying to work it out and decided to just wanting to be single because something was missing in our relationship (not like it was when we 1st met) . Thankfully, there is a simple system to truly understand how he ticks based on his astrology. 7 Signs That An Aquarius Man Is Playing You (He Is Not Interested In A Serious Relationship) 1. 7. I have known him for a year and 8 months now. You might want to check out my book Aquarius Man Secrets for more information. This is a very sophisticated tool using advanced artificial intelligence and neural network modeling. He may say yes just so he wont embarrass you but would always have an excuse to cancel on you. He is a generous, considerate lover when he loves someone. My issue is that he doesnt ask many personal questions about me. Were in a relationship and he asked me to spend some time with his family. The last thing you want to do is bombard him with texts and make him feel overwhelmed by your neediness. He is not interested in a serious relationship and will only stay with you as long as it benefits him. I dont think you want to though. You need to talk to him again and tell him how you feel, what you want, and what your concerns are so that you can possibly make another go with it. Hell be really obvious one way or the other. Summary. If your Aquarius man is using you, he may lash out at you for no reason. When dealing with your upset Aquarius man, try to be understanding and see things from their perspective. A weird, new way to figure out what to do next is to get advice from the Psychic Love Robot. He is just far too cerebral and in his own head to exude that warmth and affection you might expect from someone you are in a relationship with. If you feel like this one might be a bit too obvious, well youre wrong. Top 8 Signs Aquarius man Falling for You 1. Paying attention to his normal behavior will help you understand him better. An Aquarius man wants someone who always goes their own way and never follows the crowd (just like him). We use to talk everyday. He is always thinking of new ideas and innovations in the world around him. He is 3 yrs younger than me but quite mature for his age,yet he seems to change his point of views in life gave me hopes and promises to have me and my daughter in his life forever and that he will never leave me. If youre looking for more information then please continue reading, I am sure you will find this extremely helpful and perhaps it will help you to stop wasting your time! In the case that an Aquarius man has an interest in you and suddenly acts as though you dont exist, then he doesnt like you anymore. It could give you more insight to the heart of the Aquarius man. Aquarius men are not nice people when theyre angry. He hasnt ever disappeared on me or anything. Have you felt frustrated and unsure about where you stand with him? I love him and I tend to over communicate, how can we meet at a common ground and allow our relationship to blossom? Bringing you into his personal life When an Aquarius man says he doesnt want a relationship, he is definitely speaking the truth. Have you ever tried to act like someone youre not around a guy you like? Delaying sex is an expansion on the idea of playing hard to Revealing his vulnerable side to you 7. Doesnt Show You Off. My best advice whenever an Aquarius man gives mixed signals is just to focus on yourself and dont get too worked up by his actions. No one likes to be the individual with no friends! If an Aquarius man isnt speaking about the future with you, there is a very good chance that he isnt into you. But a lot of the time, these men have an exit strategy. I dont get why he broke it off out of the blue without telling me months before. Before he got the job, he was broke, I did helped him with some amount of money, he thanked me for the money, but after he got the job,I expected him to buy me gifts and things to appreciate,cos I love gifts alot. For any woman that gets involved with an Aquarius man, she has to have lots of patience. You can easily spot an exit strategy when the mans looking for an excuse to get out of things, like calling someone else if he cant reach you or avoiding your calls. You wont feel comfortable around him because youre not being your true self. We had a relationship for 7 months and due to COVID we didnt see each other for a little while then I moved a bit further away. Often, he may feel If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. If I were you I wouldnt have sex with him. Not only will a genuine advisor tell you the truth about your Aquarius love life, but they can also give you the insight you need to move past any negative emotions and make positive changes for the better. In the past I have been hurt my ex he cheated on me , lied all the time, block me etc then I met my Aquarius .. Im so hurt, but a part of me wonder if we could ever get back together after this. If he hasnt moved on after a breakup, theres a chance that he might be with you but still have feelings for someone else. He doesnt chase you, in a nutshell: An Aquarius man likes to be the pursuer, and when he doesnt do this, he has likely lost interest in you. 7. He really doesnt care if he is hurting you, he just wants to get you off his case and the easiest way to do this is to make it very clear that this thing between you two is going nowhere. Aquarius is the champion of over-analyzing. His wandering eyes and mind will always force him to seek a new adventure - with or without a companion. It is extremely frustrating and can drive the sanest woman totally crazy, of that, I am 100% sure. The reason for his analysis: When he is annoyed with you, he will question everything and see if you actually fit into his life. WebShy and reserved, the Aquarius male is not exactly a ladys man. He may not be interested in attending family gatherings or other events that require a Me and my Aquarius man has been having a lot of argument which is always initiated by mean cos I mostly dont understand me,we arent in a relationship but we have a very special friendship normally if we have argument we talk about it, acknowledge our faults and things go back to normal but dis time is different we talked about it, but now he doesnt talk that much to me again, always there for me when I have a problem, calls me but not like b4. If he doesnt then he was never that attached in the first place or changed his mind then you will have to consider letting him go. Stop messaging him so much. 10 Undeniable Signs A Virgo Man Is In Love With You. Or, alternatively, he may say things to you that are different than what his body language says sometimes, it can be just a matter of perspective! If you need more information about Aquarius man, try reading my book Aquarius Man Secrets. It can be pretty heartbreaking when youre in love with an Aquarius man and you can feel him slowly slipping through your fingers. I dont think hes lost interest but you may need to give him some time and space to sort himself out. He would rarely show you his sensitive side. We have been intimate and without going into details, he has put more effort to making sure Im pleased and what not. The Aquarius man is ruled by father Saturn. Signs an Aquarius Man is Testing You 1. He couldnt make time. He enjoys exploring new things with you 4. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. He deffinetly keeps me hanging on but very small amounts. 7. Selfish in Bed. Me and my Aquarius man barley talk anymore. I realised I pushed him a bit to talk about us. If hes interested, he will want the real thing and not a one-sided version of yourself! Most men will have sex with a woman quickly after meeting them. When an Aquarian is in love, he will deeply value We love each other but he never says it, he shows it by giving me space, respect, asking about the things that interest me, asking me how I am and by not being mean. Check out Aquarius Man Secrets. That means he would want friends with benefits so that he can have the benefits without the strings. A sign that hes really not into you is if he only wants to hook up with you. It IS necessary for you two to do this so that you can get on the same page as far as whatever it is that is going on. When you feel that the Aquarius man you like isnt that into you, what exactly can you do about it? He honestly seems bored. If an Aquarius man doesnt go out of his way for you, then he likely never intends to do so. He doesnt let you enter his personal life Did you know that this guy is extremely private when it comes to his 2. The best way forward is to calmly ask him how he feels about where things are with you two and allow him to tell you. If he starts making himself so busy that he no longer has time for you, then he may have decided that youre not the right one. If this is happening with an Aquarius man, he definitely isnt into you. This makes it easy to tell when an Aquarius man doesnt like you anymore. He invites me over all the time and cooks for me. If youre going to be friends starting over then leave sex out of it. He isn't interested in quality time. Spend quality time with him when you can then understand when he needs to be alone, he needs to be alone. I wouldnt tell him everything but tell him enough that he finds interesting. This is honestly just a way of trying to push you away from him because he doesnt have enough guts to tell you that he is no longer interested in you. Its easy enough to bring up an article you read or a movie you watched last week. He isn't interested in quality time. My Aquarius man and I have been fighting none stop because of his lack of communication and Im clingy. But in either case, it can leave you feeling confused and uncertain about the future of your relationship. He has been making work excuses. He will make you feel like you are the only one for him, but this is only a ploy to make you do what he wants. They can answer questions like, Does he like me? In astrology, the sign that most Make sense? So if youre tired of wondering about your Aquarius man and want to know for sure, get in touch with a gifted advisor and take your future into your own hands. And that message is that he doesnt really respect you and he also doesnt want you getting the wrong ideas about him. That is because the Aquarius man does not have much experience in this department. Covid has been making it very difficult for many relationships and businesses. Enticing him with your physique will likely not work. Hell flirt, compliment, and pull out all the stops to make sure you feel interested in him. Are there some clear indications for you to look for to know when an Aquarius man doesnt like you anymore? Both houses of parliament quickly ratified Putins bill on the pacts suspension last week. He thinks youre just a good time, but he doesnt want to invest in a relationship. When he cares about someone, he tends to be a straight shooter. Ive been seeing this aquarius guy on and off for about 2 months. If this is the case, then this is a huge red flag of interest in you! Showering you with affection 5. He is fighting with you because he is trying to push you away and wants you to call it quits. He told me i will always be his best woman he had. If you need more tips, check out Aquarius Man Secrets. But rarely will this create sustained interest. Even if hes busy he wants to know youre thinking of him and that you are his. I was so scared to loose him I keep calling and texting him prolly a 1,000 times some days he would reply but not anymore honestly I think he blocked me its been about 5 days since I last seen him and maybe 2 days since I last spoke to him we use to sleep together every night and he always called or texted me first ? Since Aquarius men appreciate independence and personal time, this is a clear sign that he isnt thinking of you. Aquarius men keep busy, as they want to make sure their career succeeds and that everything that they are working hard for is leading them to their dreams. If he continues to be stubborn and inflexible with you, then you might as well cut your losses with this guy. I and my Aquarius man has been having issues since the beginning of this year after our one year anniversary . Based on their zodiac signs, Aquarius men are quite emotional. He is probably the sign in the Zodiac that is most forward-thinking. You two need to talk things through or youre not going to get anywhere. Besides i cannot force someone to stay.. One of the signs that an Aquarius man is not into you is him being a closed shell with you. [11] An Aquarius man can be very charming, but dont be fooled by his act. It may almost feel like he is counting every penny as a sign of his annoyance with you. Or maybe hes busy with his social calendar, or even his own career. Ive often heard clients say to me that their Aquarius man says they miss them, but then disappear into nowhere. Im the opposite. If your Aquarius man is not showing signs of interest in you, its worth taking a small step back and finding out why. You should be asking him if hes alright and what he needs from you. As Ive mentioned above, Aquarius men are very independent and do not like to be tied down. As a rule, the Aquarius man isnt the warmest person in the world. Is Your Aquarius Man (Still) Avoiding Commitment? He doesnt show any signs of attraction to you and no longer has fun when hes together with you. I have been too needy as per text messages. He considers you as his best friend 5. This is really immature behavior and I hope you dont allow him to treat you like this for much longer! Pain, shortness of breath, anxiety, incontinence, constipation, delirium, and restlessness are just a few signs that a loved one is going through the dying process. Of course this comes after I told him I wanted to get to know him better and spend more time with him yesterday. If he constantly criticizes you and makes jokes at your expense, then hes not that interested in you! When hes in a long-term relationship, he will dedicate the time it takes to make sure his partner is having a good time in bed. In other words he could say I love you the minute he feels it but he may not feel the same 5 minutes from now and may pull away. Why he is so honest: This man doesnt beat around the bush. As time has gone one I try to talk and bring things up and I get met with that doesnt interest him to discuss. It just depends on how much he cares about you and if he likes you or not. This came out of absolutely nowhere and Im so lost and confused. You might want to check out my book Aquarius Man Secrets for more information. Thats the thing about these men. He Lets You Invade His Personal Space. If youd like, you can learn more about me on this page here. The login page will open in a new tab. The Aquarius man is an interesting character; on the one hand, he is incredibly open and lays it all on the table, and then at other times he is so closed off and cold. Is there a chance he could be afraid of his feelings and needs to sort them out before anything really gets serious? Let him work for your love at this point honey. When I signed up for a reading, they provided me with a unique insight into where my life was going, including who I am meant to be with. Keep an eye out for signs of affection if you want to know if he likes you or not! Time to sit down and talk about how you feel and what you want both of you! 5 Signs That an Aquarius Man is Not into You 1. They could either make remarkably great changes in the lives of people or use their gift of intellect to manipulate someone for their own interest. Show him that you are a woman who isnt going to pressure him into anything that will make him feel uncomfortable. The more of them you notice, the higher the chances that youre being used by a man you like. I was heart broken. When an Aquarius man is smitten, he will surely be there for you and support you in your endeavors. He is progressive and doesnt allow traditions to tie him down. Hes not very communicative If youre looking for common signs that an Aquarius guy is not into you, one of the most 2. Weve been very happy until he suddenly decided to break it off ( 2 weeks ago) and that he doesnt know why he feels the way of wanting to be single all of a sudden. Im sure that has some to do with our current situation, but he still responds to my texts and tells me some personal things. An Aquarius Man Says He Misses You But Still Shows Signs That He Doesnt Like You What Does This Mean? If he rushes the date and doesnt want to spend more than an hour at your place, then you may want to call it quits. If you dont then youre not going to understand each other and things will fail. So, what should you do when an Aquarius man doesnt like you? But if theres a part of you that still wants to know more, I recommend speaking to a genuine advisor. Their personal space and personal life are very dear to them and he likes to stay private and secretive. This might very well be the case, but what can you do about it? 9. Understanding his thought process and emotional triggers is key to getting him to commit to you. If hes analyzed you as a person and how you may or may not fit in his life, he will respond accordingly. The Psychic Robot then tells you exactly what to do. I been dating an Aquarius Man for 1 year and 2 months. He says he feels like thats okay if we only talk sometimes. If youre dating an Aquarius man and he only talks about himself, it means that hes not interested in you as a whole person. Well it probably scared him that you could give up on him. The Aquarius man exudes these qualities when he likes you. If that is not enough for you then you will have to ask him to find a compromise with you otherwise, you have to figure out a way to be alright with how he is. He is always making plans and thinking one step ahead of everyone else, so it isnt uncommon for him to talk about the future. Ofc when we first started talking he suggested that we should be friends because I need to love myself again which was true I was full of insecurities from my past.. plus he said (he wasnt ready for a relationship..he did just get out of a 3 year relationship where the girl left him and he also said that he dont think he deserve me ) but I ignored it .. Ik he has his own insecurities himself and dont love himself fully anyway.. there was definitely still a lot more drama with my ex but he helped through it all. Its good he came back to help with the kids and you get along with the other things as well. If you have been dating and this happens, then hes figured out that you arent the right one for him. And no, he isnt playing hard to get, because he simply doesnt operate that way. 1. It does seem he just wants to be friends but you should ask him directly about it. If he figures out he loves you, hell work for it. If an Aquarius man doesnt like you, he will cut back on texts, if not stop altogether. I dont know if he is testing or what. Read for more details of the games Aquarius men play and how he might test you. Maybe hes always having to work and he just doesnt have time for you. He ghosts you When a Scorpio man is done with you, he He said he wants to see me but he cant physically do it? Read on to find out 15 definite signs an Aquarius man is not into you. Daus go by and he will tell me Ive said mean things to him. I caught him cheating and flirting which he really apologized for and promise he wont do it again. How does he react to you when you try to make a connection? He Engages You in an Existential Dialogue As a fixed air sign, the Aquarius man doesnt pay much attention to a persons looks. Otherwise, he may be none the wiser, thus, ignoring you just due to a lack of ignorance of the situation. WebTherefore, one of the telltale signs of an Aquarius man in love is when he chooses someone to be his confidant. If you need more information about Aquarius man, try reading my book Aquarius Man Secrets. Either way, if you ask him, he will tell you. When you figure that out, youll be able to plan around make sure your needs are being met as well. I do miss him I jus wonder is it too late to get him back? Im so crushed by his comments, I cant believe thats how he felt about me. One of the worst qualities of an Aquarius man is his stubborn streak it can be so annoying to deal with! His wandering eyes and mind will always force him to discuss I him. He lost interest and I tend to over communicate, how can we meet at a ground... Genuine advisor hug or cuddle session, but then disappear into nowhere about you... Dont know if he constantly criticizes you and if signs that an aquarius man is not into you thinks youre just a good time, this is simple. 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signs that an aquarius man is not into you
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