San Luis Obispo County district attorney's officials interviewed Flores in June 1996, but he later invoked his Fifth Amendment right before a grand jury, and then again during a civil disposition. Investigators conducted dozens of searches over two decades, but turned their attention in 2020 to Ruben Flores' home about 12 miles south of Cal Poly. Ruben Flores is the father of Paul Flores, they were both taken into custody in Arroyo Grande, California, and booked on suspicion of accessory to murder. Before she vanished on May 25, Kristin sent her parents an excited voicemail claiming to have good news. Traces of human blood were found in a patch of disturbed soil underneath the Arroyo Grande home of Ruben Flores, who is accused of helping his son Paul with concealing the body of missing Cal Poly freshman Kristin Smart, according to newly unsealed court records. Prosecutors on Monday called to the stand two people who lived in close proximity to Ruben Flores and his home - including a tenant who rented space inside the Arroyo Grande, California, house . and Smart was wearing red Puma shoes, black shorts with white stripes, and a light grey top (when she disappeared), Peuvrelle wrote. It was dropped when the father filed for bankruptcy. The comments below have not been moderated, By Paul was convicted of murdering her while trying to rape her after the pair attended a party at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo. Kristin's cheerful call home was a weekly ritual, she said. It will never ever leave you and WE will never ever stop talking about Kristin and about YOU until justice is served. Flores is scheduled to be sentenced next week, when this new motion will also be heard. Find census, military, and other historical records.*. 'Conspiracy theories can be fun. In the lawsuit filed in San Luis Obispo County Superior Court, Stan and Denise Smart, of Stockton, say Ruben Flores, 80, initially buried their daughters body near his residence in the 700 block of White Court and relocated her remains following a search of the home by Sheriffs Office investigators in February 2020. 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Please refer to the information, Legoland aggregates multifunctional folding dining table set information to help you offer the best information support options. He was handed his verdict on October 18. ', Mesick said the case has been the one he is 'most invested in on a personal level.'. SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. The family of Kristin Smart filed a complaint against Ruben Flores on April 21, 2021, claiming he moved Kristin Smart's body from . Christopher Peurelle and detective Clint Cole. View more. Copyright 2020 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Ruben is found not guilty of helping his son hide Smart's body. Kristin Smart, a Stockton-native, was 19 when she disappeared after leaving an on-campus party at Cal Poly University, San Luis Obispo . He told jurors about a time when he moved a few empty plastic, 55-gallon drums into the space under the deck. Investigators said the warrants were for very specific items. Updated: 4:47 PM PDT April 22, 2021. But Paul Flores, then 19, volunteered to help after appearing 'out of nowhere,' Anderson recalled. 17:29 GMT 19 Oct 2022 Give Light and the People Will Find Their Own Way, Local advocates for Kristin Smart case come together after new developments. But hes not talking. Paul Flores was arrested at hisSan Pedro, California home on April 13, 2021 and charged with murder. Since the trial started, Lambert said that the defense team have unsuccessfully requested to go through his emails, text messages, and gain access to his podcast notes. Prosecutors would later say that Flores killed Smart while trying to rape her in his dorm room. Ruben R Flores: Address: 710 White Ct: City: Arroyo Grande: State: California: Zip Code: 93420: Account ID: SLO-007241022: Land Use Code: 101: Land Use Description: RESID. We spotted Susan Flores and her boyfriend going into their home on Branch St in Arroyo Grande - so far both declining to speak to us @KSBY #KristinSmart According to a county probation report seen by The San Luis Obispo . you are obviously involved. 32. circus is ironical indeed. There is a big park behind his house. Photos of the Paul Flores arrest was displayed at the press conference in Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo. The revival of public interest: Your Own Backyard podcast. He requested a complete review of all the evidence in relation to Kristin Smart's missing person case. I was glued to the paper and the TV during that fiasco and it was clearly evident that DA screwed up, everything from Mark Furmans testimony to the famous glove fashion show. Ruben departed this 3 bed / 3 bath home in 2001. Map data 2023 Google. and They will decide whether or not Paul Flores is guilty of killing Kristin Smart. 'We like to watch shows, and you think, "I bet I know what happened." When Kristin Smart fell at the party, he helped her up. The presence or absence of records for any individual is not a guarantee of any kind. Paul and Ruben Flores are being tried separately, but at the same time, with two different juries. Here, examines the mystery that's gripped the US for nearly three decades. Rueben Flores allegedly helped conceal Kristin's body after she was murdered according to District Attorney Dan Dow. Search warrants for issued for the Arroyo Grande home of Paul Flores' father, Ruben Flores, 80. Local community members wait for developments in front of Ruben Flores's house in Arroyo Grande and San Luis Obispo Sheriff personnel search the backyard. Oct. 5READ MORE ----- Kristin Smart murder trial Click the arrow below for more coverage of the Kristin Smart murder trial. Flores has been arrested for DUI three times since 1997 and was sentenced to 240 days in jail for violating his probation after the last DUI. More than two and a half decades after Kristin's disappearance, the younger Flores was found guilty of the crime atMonterey County Superior Court in Salinas, California. Prosecutor Chris Peuvrelle told jurors the 'truth is, Kristin Smart is dead and the evidence is clear that she was killed by Paul Flores. Worried Denise had days earlier called the college president, but was redirected to a residential advisor who refused to give any information about Kristin on 'privacy' grounds. Flores, who dropped out of Cal Poly after Smarts disappearance, was the initial focus of a police investigation. Paul Flores faces a sentence of 25 years to life if convicted of first-degree murder. Paul Flores was arrested for the murder of Kristin Smart around 7.30am on Tuesday in San Pedro and his father Ruben Flores, was arrested at the same time in Arroyo Grande. On the night she was last seen, Smart and her friends from California Polytechnic State University grabbed a ride in a truck and arrived at an unofficial fraternity house near campus. Paul and Ruben, they moved the dirt under their deck to hide her.'. He also tried to undercut the prosecution's idea of Smart as a young innocent, insisting she was wild. SONORA, CA 2018-2019. On Feb. 5, 2020, sheriffs officials executed a search warrant on Ruben Flores Arroyo Grande home and four days later, on Feb. 9, 2020, Flores and the two unnamed individuals worked through the night and under cover of darkness to remove Kristin Smarts body from under the lattice enclosure below the deck of his home, the suit contends. Ruben Flores, 80, of Arroyo Grande left jail after Judge Craig Van Rooyen lowered his bail from $250,000 to $50,000 on Wednesday. During the search, officials said they found evidence related to the murder of Smart. Ruben Flores. How poetic that a guy who constantly hides from people and calls the police when private investigators visit his residence or any family members he might be staying with, literally got himself googled and in front of his house! According to Sky News, the breakthrough came after a search last month of Ruben Flores's home using ground radar and specially trained dogs found new evidence linked to the suspected killing. Both men pleaded not guilty. 'Paul Flores is guilty as sin. By KAREN VELIE. A San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's spokesman says investigators uncovered some 'items of interest'. 00:56, 2 DEC 2022. Just after 9:30 a.m. Monday, the contractor who built the house Ruben currently lives in started answering questions. Freshman Kristin Smart disappeared without a trace after a Californian college party 26 years ago - and now the prime murder suspect has been found guilty after a crime podcast helped cops crack the case. Peuvrelle asked the jury to find Paul Flores guilty of first-degree murder and summarized the evidence that had been presented during the trial that started on July 18. longtime person of interest in Smart's disappearance case, was named the prime suspect in the case. He may escape judgment in this lifetime but Im confident theres one Ultimate Judge from whom Paul cannot hide. New court documents are shedding light on how Ruben Flores allegedly assisted his son, Paul, in the murder of Kristin Smart. Uncover details about birth, marriage, and divorce. On May 25, 1996, Smart attended a . See Fernando Flores Jr's age, phone number, house address, email address, social media accounts, public records, and check for criminal records on Spokeo. . In this search, sheriff's deputies used a ground-penetrating radar system to get electromagnetic pictures of where objects may be buried. The property was searched . She said that she and the other girls in the dorm grew uneasy when none of them heard from Smart as they decided to make their first call to police on Sunday, May 26. She is believed to have been last seen with Ruben Flores son, 44-year-old Paul Flores, of San Pedro, who allegedly killed her during a sexual assault in his Cal Poly dorm room. "Flores is the father of Paul Flores, who remains the prime suspect in the disappearance of Kristin Smart in 1996," authorities wrote. It was just, does anyone know what happened? Youre involved and you know it and its going to haunt you the rest of your life. . During the prosecution's rebuttal,Peuvrelle asked the jury to find Paul Flores guilty of first-degree murder and summarized the evidence that had been presented during the trial that started on July 18. The publicity of the case is 'the elephant in the room,' Sanger said, adding that there were people 'inserting themselves' into the case along with extensive news coverage locally and nationally. Over the years, women called him 'Chester the molester' and 'Psycho Paul,' according to a court document. Results for this person or the person you are looking for are not guaranteed to appear in search results. Your email address will not be published. His attorney, Harold Mesick, defended the decision by the court by saying Ruben is 'not just not guilty, he is absolutely innocent, and today's verdict proved that. 'But just the 'let's lynch 'em, let's burn 'em, let's hang 'em, let's kill 'em,' I don't know where that came from in this country. Paul then stopped answering questions, invoking his Fifth Amendment right. He was later praised by San Luis Obispo Sheriff Ian Parkinson for his help bringing attention to the case. The podcast Your Own Backyard saw the host interview those close to the cold case, leading to a breakthrough with Paul Flores, now 45, charged with Smart's murder. Furmans watch commander was. He told them he got it playing basketball with friends, who denied his account, according to court records. On that night she'd been to a party and was walking back to her dormitory with three students, one of which was 19-year-old Paul Flores, reports edhat. The home belongs to the mother of Paul Flores, the person-of-interest in the case. Pandora is an internet radio station created by the 'Music Genome Project,' which automatically recommends and plays music based on user's listening preferences. In his closing arguments, Sanger said the prosecution's case was not to showcase evidence, but rather to evoke an emotional prejudice against Paul Flores by using phrases like 'guilty as sin' and quoting witness testimony that says Paul Flores called Smart a 'd*** tease.'. . You have to decide whether or not a murder was committed, beyond a reasonable doubt,' Sanger told the jury. Under cross examination from both Sanger and Mesick, Stone said he got along with Ruben during his time at the home and moved out voluntarily. San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's officials group near the back porch of Ruben Flores' home in the 700 block of White Court in Arroyo Grande, where a search warrant was served Monday in connection . They had never spent the night before at Rubens house that she knew of, she said. Both Paul and Ruben Flores' verdicts are reached. 66 OVERSIGHT HEARING ON THE ROLE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS FIRMS IN PREVENTING ACTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE ----- Wednesday, September 14, 2022 U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Committee on Natural Resources Washington, DC ----- The Subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:13 a.m. in room 1324, Longworth House . In response, Lambeth said afterwards: 'I know that's just smear, that's their angle on it, but it couldn't be further from the truth. Terms of release require Ruben Flores to wear an electronic ankle monitor, give up his passport and stay within San Luis Obispo County. Smart's family and friends plan to hold a celebration of her life at her memorial at Dinosaur Caves in Shell Beach at 6pm on Tuesday, with a music jam session celebrating the guilty verdict. Citing the podcast, Your Own Backyard, Parkinson said: 'In 2019, (we) interviewed several witnesses that had not been previously interviewed. The younger Flores, now 45, killed the 19-year-old during an attempted rape on May 25, 1996 in his dorm room at Cal Poly, where both were first-year students, prosecutors said. U.S. Capitol Map Listen Text: [H.A.S.C. It has never been resolved. His father was then taken into custody. Paul Flores and his father pleaded not guilty at their arraignment on April 19, when van Rooyen ordered Paul Flores be held without bail. The judge was also guilty of letting the courtroom become a circus. They did not find a body, but expert witnesses testified in court that the soil beneath the deck had been disturbed. Google Maps in an online mapping service developed by Google. Legoland aggregates ruben flores house address google maps information to help you offer the best information support options. Paul Flores, her classmate who walked her home from the party, was the last person she was seen with. The lawsuit Murphy filed against Ruben Flores alleged that "under cover of darkness," the father and unnamed accomplices moved the body four days after investigators searched his house in . We also looked into reports that cadaver dogs searched the backyard of the Flores' home back in 2014 but were unable to confirm if those were true. Smart was formally declared dead in 2002, and her body has never been found. Home Value. and 'He's charged with murder, not rape or attempted rape,' he said. 'It's junk science coming into the courtroom,' he argued. and I would call this one a definite Pro! Holman also admitted to meeting with Jim Murphy, the Smart family attorney, before going to detectives. Flores' father, now 81, was alleged to have helped bury Kristin behind his home in Arroyo Grande, and later dug up the remains and moved them. Their product lines include books, music, electronics, home goods, clothing, and everything in between. 2020: Neighbors report seeing Paul Flores bring a tractor to his backyard, April 13, 2021: Paul Flores is arrested on suspicion of murder and Ruben Flores is arrested on suspicion of being an accessory to murder, July 18, 2022: Trials for Paul and Ruben Flores begin in Monterey, California, after being moved out of San Luis Obispo, October 17: Jury reaches verdict in case of Ruben Flores, October 18:Jury reaches verdict in case of Paul Flores. Chadwell said it was similar and the color he preferred to use was pink as it shows up well. Lambert previously told the Santa Maria Sun: 'They want to go through my emails, my text messages and it's just not going to happen. Please refer to, Legoland aggregates how to build a monochromatic wardrobe information to help you offer the best information support options. Developer Ed Chadwell described the steep slope of the lot and construction of the homes foundation, which required digging down to solid rock sometimes as deep as eight feet under the soil. Smart's case was never closed, but momentum was revived in the last two years. There are 2 court records for "Ruben Flores" in "San Luis Obispo County". "It is impossible to put into words what this day means for our family; we pray it is the first step to bringing our daughter home. Smart was a 19-year-old student who vanished in 1996 and whose death went unsolved for decades until a podcast revisited the case in 2019. The home of Ruben Flores in the 700 block of White Court in Arroyo Grande was searched by San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Office deputies on March 15, 2021, in relation to the 1996 . About seven years ago, there was a leak in the kitchen, according to Peuvrelles statement. Justice delayed does not have to be justice denied. The picture I mentioned of my hubby on Google maps is 5+ years old and we dont even live in that house anymore. Flores was previously accused of moving Smart's remains from the burial site 'in the event of an additional search of the property.'. PF, one of the very few that Ill say is guilty before hes prosecuted, hes as guilty as O.J.. OJ was found not guilty. Her body has never been found, although investigators believe it was buried at Ruben Flores Arroyo Grande home and recently moved, according to court documents. Lambert forensically interviewed Smart's parents, best friend, college roommate, and others who knew Flores. He just happened to be out front when Google came driving by.. Born out of a desire to simply learn about what happened to the missing girl, Lambert embarked on the pet project without knowing the massive impact it would have for Smart's family. I dont think OJ did it. Ruben Flores was released from police custody late Wednesday night after a judge agreed to reduce his bail amount. 2am, May 26: Kristin is last seen alive walking towards her dorm room with Paul Flores, May 28: Kristin's family report her missing, June 1996: Paul Flores invokes his Fifth Amendment rights to avoid answering questions about the case, 1997: Kristin Smart's family sue Paul Flores for wrongful death. The dogs showed a subtle change in behavior in the left northwest side behind the lattice under the deck of the house, according to Peuvrelles statement of the case. Sanger also told the jurors that they needed to question whether the expert witnesses who testified for the prosecution are actually experts. Flores' father Ruben was found not guilty of being an . Harriet Alexander For So theres a chance Paul Flores doesnt even live at that address anymore. She testified the incident involving the cargo trailer happened on Feb. 9, 2020, but says she didn't report it until March of 2021. En el presente estudio se analiza la composicin de especies de murcilagos de las Yungas de la Argentina, donde 39 especies han sido registradas, lo que indica una diversidad alta (66% de las especies de Argentina) comparada con el total de especies As a result, the Smart family alleges severe emotional distress spanning nearly 25 years and seeks compensation for damages, including punitive and exemplary damages, in an amount to be determined at trial, according to the lawsuit. Paul Flores, 44, of San Pedro is accused of murdering Smart, while his 80-year-old father is charged with criminal accessory. Paul Flores was the last person seen with the then-19-year-old Smart before her disappearance in 1996. Closing statements in the case against Ruben Flores begin and end. Lambert was one of the few journalists and members of the public who have been privy to what is happening inside the court room. Harold Mesick, Ruben Flores' attorney, did not respond to an email seeking comment on April 22. The podcast first launched in 2019. What will happen to residents? This search reportedly came at the request of James Murphy, the attorney who represents Kristin's parents, Stan and Denise Smart. When Teschendorf returned to their room, she noticed that Smart's keys and personal belongings that she normally took everywhere were still in the room, untouched, and her roommate was nowhere to be found. He was sued by Kristin's family as part of a civil wrongful death lawsuit, but wasn't charged until April 2021. Smart added: 'To our Kristin: Almost three decades ago, our lives were irreparably changed on the night you disappeared. According to the document, written by deputy district attorney Christopher Peuvrelle, a March 2021 search of Ruben Flores property at 710 White Court showed significant soil disturbance underneath the home in an area enclosed by lattice. We asked Susan Flores for comment and she declined. 'But you're here as jurors. 117-44] HEARING ON NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022 AND OVERSIGHT OF PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED PROGRAMS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED SEVENTEENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION Authorities also said that they linked two other attacks on women in Los Angeles to Paul Flores. It depends on all 12 of you to deliberate to show whether there's proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Smart's former roommate Crystal Teschendorf claimed police didn't take her seriously when she reported the 19-year-old missing twice before police finally filed a report. Following their arrests in April 2021, Ruben was granted bail and has been out of custody since shortly after his arrest; however, Paul was denied bail and remains in custody. "The knowledge that a father and son, despite our desperate pleas for help, could have withheld this horrible secret for nearly 25 years, denying us the chance to lay our daughter to rest, is an unrelenting and unforgiving pain. Searches were conducted on campus and in her Muir Hall dorm room, where they found her wallet and other belongings. Opening arguments for the 1996 mystery started on July 18, 2022. Historical Records* 3.9 BILLION RECORDS. This took place at Ruben Flores' 710 White Ct, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 property (from the s. Evidence from previous search warrants led detectives to serve an additional warrant at Paul's home. California sheriff's deputies on Tuesday concluded its search of the home of Ruben Flores, the father of the man who authorities say is the prime suspect in the 1996 disappearance of Cal Poly . 01:18, 15 APR 2021. Single Family. During cross examination of Holman, Sanger asked about her knowledge of the "Your Own Backyard" podcast. DCCG Alaska St. EL PASO, TX 1996-2019. 1. There's so much hate, and I really have never understood it. The Flores' defense teams have argued throughout the trial that they are the scapegoats of a police department and prosecution that are more eager to satisfy the public appetite for a conviction than they are to find the true killer. He now faces a minimum of 25 years in prison but could spend the rest of his life behind bars. Address information for Ruben may include: Current Address . He told the court that there are no witnesses who can corroborate Flores' story of what happened in his dorm room on May 25, 1996. There is nothing left intact because it has been turned over at least once, according to Peuvrelle. A plumber told Ruben Flores that he needed to go under the deck in order to repair the leak. It adds that they seek additional damages to make an example of and to punish defendant. The family cited the defendants' conduct as a substantial factor in their emotional distress. The dogs, which are trained to pick up the smell ofhuman remains, alerted to the corner of a mattress on Flores side of the room. He will be sentenced on December 9, at 9am. And he said that at the time, Paul Flores and his father did not join in the community hunt for the missing teenager. However, a jury did not find the evidence credible enough to convict Ruben Flores. Flores was then the only person left helping Smart stagger back from the party at around 2am. A Tejeda-Mansir, R Espinoza, RM Montesinos. But you're here as jurors. The jury rejected that theory, acquitting Ruben on Tuesday. In the picture, he is standing in his garden with a hand on the back of his head with the . They arrested Paul Flores on suspicion of being a felon in possession of a firearm in February 2021 when his home was searched. Matt Fountain is The San Luis Obispo Tribunes courts and investigations reporter. San Luis Obispo County sheriff's investigators enter through a door underneath the porch of Ruben Flores' home in the 700 block of White Court in Arroyo Grande on March 16. A . 'He never should have been charged, and I'm very pleased with the outcome. Investigators focused on an area enclosed by latticework under the deck, where dirt had been removed from a hole, which was photographed and documented by law enforcement, according to the lawsuit. Flores, 81, is being tried along with his 45-year . (805) 458-.css-1y2reja{color:transparent;position:relative;z-index:12;text-shadow:0.1rem 0.1rem 0.6rem #089FE4;}LNYN, aka Rachel H Flores, Reuben R Flores, R Flores Ruben, Flores R Ruben. Two of the warrants were served in San Luis Obispo, another in Los Angeles County and the fourth one in the state of Washington. . . Both men appeared in Superior Court on Wednesday ahead of a marathon preliminary hearing set to begin Aug. 2 in which evidence will be presented. At least try and make amends for your acts by helping the family have closure. 'We now put our faith in the justice system and move forward, comforted in the knowledge that Kristin has been held in the hearts of so many and that she has not been forgotten.'. No new information was released as a result of the search warrants. He also refused a lie detector test but I believe that someone that he confided in will talk someday. Please refer to the, Legoland aggregates ceiling-mounted accent lights for artwork information to help you offer the best information support options. ", Kristin Smart went missing in 1996 on her university campus, (Image: Los Angeles Times via Getty Images). 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