Join the Fan Club and bring your traits with you. Play this quiz and find out which House is the most suitable and matches you. Which animal would you rather have as a pet? Which would you choose to drink? Where dwell the brave at heart, 4) Which Wizarding School Would You Go To? Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. They are active, unique, and proud of not having Slytherin. After Im dead, people should remember me as: If you can make a potion that is going to guarantee you one thing, what is it gonna be? There are four boxes in front of you, you open. The house mascot is the badger, and canary yellow and black are its colors. You might belong in Hufflepuff Show their skills. This is very accurate! Out of four goblets, which would you like to drink? If so, you've come to the right place! Try to answer every question as truthfully as possible. Godric Gryffindor was said to value courage, determination, and also strength in students that represented his house. This test is as accurate as the Sorting Hat when it comes to determining the family of a new wizard at Hogwarts. They put him to sleep by playing soothing music. Even though Luna is a proud Ravenclaw, Evanna was sorted in Gryffindor as revealed in a Youtube video. If you could make a potion that would guarantee you one thing, what would it be? Which Harry Potter House is Right for You? Quiz: Which Premier League Team Should I Support? Are you wondering which Hogwarts house do you belong to? However, Slytherin has also produced powerful spellcasters like Bellatrix, Voldemort and Snape, although its unfortunate that most of them have turned evil. Godric and Salazar Slytherin were originally great friends but they grew apart in their later years. As I grew older, my love for the Wizarding World continued. Rowena Ravenclaw was said to value intelligence and wisdom when choosing students for her house. A golden box that has carved feet that has secret knowledge and unbearable temptation lurk within. Quiz: Are You A Lion, A Tiger, Or A Bear? We previously made a quiz on which character in the series you are but knowing which house youre in is on a different level. 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tds_newsletter1-btn_bg_color="#000000" tds_newsletter1-btn_bg_color_hover="#f08080"], Air = Hufflepuff (patient, nature lover, flexibility, collaboration) Yellow, Water = Ravenclaw (wisdom, creativity, community, distance) Blue, Earth = Slytherin (ambition, cunning, waiting for the right Moment) Green, Fire = Gryffindor (Courage, Honor, Perseverance) Red. It's hours of spellbinding fun! Quiz: Which Harry Potter Disney Princess combo are you? Obsessed with travel? Members of Hufflepuff are generally humble, kind, and hard-working. Do you: Agree, and ask whether theyd like a free sample of a jinx, Agree, and walk away, leaving them to wonder whether you are bluffing, Tell them that you are worried about their mental health, and offer to call a doctor. One of your house mates has cheated in a Hogwarts exam by using a Self-Spelling Quill. Slytherin produces more than its share of Dark wizards, but also turns out leaders who are proud, ambitious and cunning. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. Proceed with caution, keeping one hand on your concealed wand and an eye out for any disturbance? Weve all been there. You would be sorted into Hufflepuff, joining characters like Cedric Diggory, Newt Scamander, and Nymphadora Tonks. Please subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest Quizzes on Set Gryffindors apart" This may surprise you, but there is no doubt about it. We are not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros, or any of the individuals or companies associated with publishing the Harry Potter books and films. You are a Gryffindor! If it lured you, it would smell of: A troll has gone berserk in the Headmasters study at Hogwarts. Welcome to Hufflepuff House here. A potion with the smell of plums and chocolate. SAME! Take part in the official Hogwarts Sorting Ceremony Get the latest news and offers in the weekly newsletters for opted-in Members Enjoy magical features, videos, quizzes and puzzles 01 03 TO START, ENTER YOUR BIRTH DATE DATE OF BIRTH SIGN UP NOW Pottermore? Required fields are marked *. We have other quizzes matching your interest. Quiz: How Well Do You Know Harry Potters Room of Requirement? Here's a video you might like too 21 Quizzes For People Still Waiting On Their Hogwarts Letter. Where those of wit and learning He also revealed that he is a huge Harry Potter fan in general. They chose to split the students into four houses, each bearing their surnames and featuring young wizards and witches who displayed abilities and personalities they wanted to nurture. Then this Harry Potter House Quiz is for you. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! Then the Harry Potter house quiz came out, and then the Ilvermorny test. Questions are fun and with easy to pick options. The second, a sparkling purple. Quiz: Which Iconic Harry Potter quote should be your life motto? A third year gives you the Mauraders Map(shows you where everyone is on Hogwarts grounds) What do you do? I really like Ravenclaw but some times im in Huffelpuff or Gryffindor but Ravenclaw suits me best! Actor Kit Harington revealed in an interview that he is a member of Gryffindor. The Pottermore quiz does not only decide to which house you belong to by answering the questions, no. Don't forget to follow us on social networks! A plain pewter box that says I open only for the worthy.". Ravenclaw values intelligence, learning, wisdom, and wit. Once you've tried the Hogwarts Sorting Experience, you can find out more about your house, and how the houses came to be in the first place. This is the official Harry Potter sorting quiz, where you will be able to see what house from the movie you fall in. Hufflepuff's are known to be loyal, fair, kind, and hard-working! Knowing all the details of the quiz, are you ready to take the test? Which Harry Potter House Are You? The Hogwarts houses have their particular quirks and traits that we can all relate to but there's always that one specific house that you can personally see yourself in. On average, people in the Slytherin family are very smart, cunning, and witty. The Hardest Harry Potter Fan Quiz Ever See if you can identify the following seven visualizations based on TIME's analysis of all 1,082,945 words and 273 images in the seven Harry. Will always find their kind." Gryffindor is the most famous house in Hogwarts. This house is built in a way that makes it brave and resilient in the face of fear, danger, and pain, and rewards itself for the courage to overcome fear and take on difficult tasks. User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw This is based on her attending and getting a degree from Brown University. If your classmate is prepared to win by cheating, he deserves to be found out. As a brand, its not bad. (Draco Malfoy), I'm Hufflepuff!!! A collection of Pottermore tools and quizzes. Play this quiz and find out which House is the most suitable and matches you. Members of Ravenclaw are generally intelligent and creative. Are you actually a huge Harry Potter fan? Posted on Sep 11, 2021 Which Hogwarts House Would The Sorting Hat Give You Based On Your Personality? If so, you've come to the right place! As we all know, to enter the wizarding world, you have to attend a magic school, one of a worldwide network of wizardry and witchcraft. To get started, check out one of those pages and start taking some of our quizzes! B. 2021-2022 All rights reserved. This test is as accurate as the Sorting Hat when it comes to determining the family of a new wizard at Hogwarts. There is a great legend that Salazar Slytherin and Godric Gryffindor got into a big duel prior to him leaving the school. Here I am Gryffindor! Check out our online Pottermore Sorting Hat test, answer some fun questions, and sort yourself into your house. Will you be a wise Ravenclaw? This is the house where their friends live, and their lives are very good, which is another matter for them. Got me there goforquiz! If you are a fan of Harry Potter, you probably already know the Pottermore website. Are you Hufflepuff? I have a crush on Tom Felton!!!!! This will be the new home for everything that Harry Potter and the Fantasy Beasts can provide, and it will drive most of Potters things. Who is your favorite character from Game Of Thrones? This is the best Pottermore House Quiz I have found online. If you've a ready mind, Bellatrix Lestrange Quiz: How Much Do You Know? The statue of an old wizard with a strangely twinkling eye, The silver leafed tree bearing golden apples, The fat red toadstools that appear to be talking to each other, The bubbling pool, in the depths of which something luminous is swirling. His common room is located in the dungeons under the Hogwarts lake and his ghost is the Bloody Baron. Bonnie Wright ended up in Gryffindor after she took a Hogwarts house test. This seems to be the most common house and JK Rowling has said that most good people go to Hufflepuff. I don't know why they ask so many questions if the only question that matters is the last one. We come here with an interesting "Pottermore Sorting Hat Quiz" for you. Ravenclaws rise up. Pottermore Patronus Quiz: Whats Your Patronus? However, the site was relaunched without the popular feature in September, leaving many to wonder about their fate in the wizarding world. This Harry Potter House quiz will give you the answer. When users enter into the sorting hat ceremony, they are required to answer a series of questions that will determine which Hogwarts house best suits them. The House of Slytherin. After you have died, what would you most like people to do when they hear your name? In a video on his Youtube channel, Stephen Colbert revealed that JK Rowling messaged him and told him that he belongs in Ravenclaw. He event won Dancing with the Starsin 2017. Select the following items in a order you would save them: You and your friends want to cross a bridge which is guarded by a river troll. I got Slytherin because I am very ambitious. SO I'M SLYTHERIN AND PROUD!!! Wondering if you're good enough for Gryffindor or if Slytherin would be more suitable? If you have a chance to pick any House to be Sorted into, you will pick. What would be your favorite class at Hogwarts? The founder of this house is Rowena Ravenclaw. Keep in mind that not every attribute is all examples that are associated with other houses. Everyone is saying '' I GOT SLITHERYN '' which makes me think this is fake. Which Of These Harry Potter Ships Are You? Have you taken the quiz already? And unafraid of toil. The small tortoiseshell box, embellished with gold, inside which some small creature seems to be squeaking. He added that Rowling told him that he has undertones of Gryffindor but is a Ravenclaw. They are known for their kind and loving personalities and are some of the best people! Then the Harry Potter house quiz came out, and then the Ilvermorny test. Now the site has changed and is now called The Wizarding World. What would you do? An ambitious Slytherin? I would like to find out what house i am in for hogwarts! Late at night, walking alone down the street, you hear a peculiar cry that you believe to have a magical source. You: A. Those patient Hufflepuffs are true, "You might belong to Gryffindor, where dwell the brave of heart. There will also be social sharing buttons at the end so that you can easily share your result with your friends. Hufflepuff is a house that is often mistaken for the lowest grade. "Or perhaps in Slytherin, The mysterious black liquid that gleams like ink, and gives off fumes that make you see strange visions. Which Harry Potter Character Are You Most Like? He draws you to one side after his lesson and asks you whether or not your classmate used a forbidden quill. They are known for being outside of the box thinkers and being very leadership oriented. You belong to Gryffindor's family. I'm a true Hufflepuff. Get your Harry Potter House Quiz result right now! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. That may surprise you, but there is no doubt about it. With the help of this Pottermore house quiz, youll find out which Hogwarts House youll definitely belong in! On this site you will find personality quizzes and trivia quizzes about the Wizarding World. Choose the career that you would most like to have: What would you want your wand core to be made from? Magazines, Read Alan Rickmans Touching Goodbye Letter to, Or create a free account to access more articles, The Pottermore Sorting Quiz Is Back to Tell You Which Hogwarts House You Belong In. I am a SLYTHERIN. Sign up now. Take This Quiz to Find Out, Niamh Fitzgeralds Trial in Hogwarts Legacy Is a Love Letter to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, How to Make Harry Potters Wand in Hogwarts Legacy, The Harry Potter Films Are Surging to the Top of Streaming Thanks to the Release of Hogwarts Legacy, Is Hogwarts Legacy Set Before Harry Potter? Very accurate! We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. I tried twice with the exact same answers except for the last question. Long before Pottermore gave us an official ranking, we only read books, watched movies, and hired fans. Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Helga Hufflepuff are the four houses at Hogwarts that bear his name. Matthew Lewis took the Pottermore quiz and he was sorted into Hufflepuff. Pettigrew was sorted as a stalwart Gryffindor but later betrayed the academy. Emma Watson (aka Hermione) has never taken a test but many fans believe that she would be in Ravenclaw. They have given the world some of the most outstanding wizards and witches. This quiz IS REALLY accurate! These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors. Salazar ended up getting into a fight with the other founders and decided to leave Hogwarts. According to Pottermore, Helga was very skilled at food-related charms. During Daniel Radcliffes Reddit AMA, he said that there is no doubt that he would be in the same house as Harry. In a video for MTVs Youtube Channel, he spoke about Hufflepuffs being often overlooked and that he is trying to change the stigma. Curious to get a sneak peek into what your result could be? How Well Do You Actually Know Harry Potter? You might belong in Gryffindor, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. Or as Rowling puts it, having a wand choose you. And the personality they want to cultivate. Tell Professor Flitwack the truth. A series of questions allows fans to discover which house - Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff - they might belong to. Those cunning folk use any means Enjoy this quiz? Blaise Zabini Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Him? It values courage, boldness, strength, bravery and determination. This official Harry Potter house quiz is for the biggest fans, and we have a feeling you're one of them. Fantasy & Mythology Movies Disney Princess Hogwarts Harry Potter HP Disney Mix Sorting Hat . This is an inspiring quality. An eye at the keyhole of the dark, windowless room in which you are locked. This happens when the hat finds different, conflicting qualities in a student and struggles to determine the best House to develop their powers. The power to change your appearance at will. An Official Harry Potter House Quiz for Only the BIGGEST Fans. Which of these traits best describes you? 5) The Ultimate Harry Potter Charms Class Quiz. If you are also someone who is very creative, you are a good fit for the blue and bronze! And unafraid of toil." Do you ever wonder which Harry Potter house you belong to? Find out here!!!! Here you go: Hufflepuff Helga was responsible for the school using house-elves in the kitchen. You belong here because you have a lion's heart; you'll put your life on the line for anything, whether it be for a friend, an ally, or for the thrill of it. They tend to get stuck and deal with it. Pottermore House Quiz: What's Your Harry Potter House? If you know that you are magical in your heart, there's another way to be sorted outside of Hogwarts. Intelligent and curious. You'll make your real friends, I used to be a ravenclaw but after the years I have grown to be a slytherin. The 21 questions in the Harry Potter personality quiz are drawn from both the Big Five test and a handful of other well-studied personality inventories that measure other traits that are. Take this quiz and find out. Its common room, known to be the most inaccessible, is located in the basement, near the kitchens. Looking for Pottermore? Cunning. 2023 TIME USA, LLC. But Pottermore is not working very hard. Luckily, the official sorting quiz is now back. Music Taste Quiz: What Is My Music Taste? Its ghost is the Grey Lady. You can read more about the founders of Hogwarts or the wily old Sorting Hat and even your house ghost. Heart broken x #slytherinforlife. Quiz: What Percentage Hufflepuff Are You? "You might belong in Gryffindor, You'll make up the House points your classmate loses by coming in first. If your classmate is willing to come in first by cheating, he deserves to be found out. Delivering the latest news and official products from the Wizarding World and our partners. Imagine being one of the new students at Hogwarts. Wizarding World is the new official home of Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts. Who is your favorite male character out of the names listed below: Which of these Wizarding books would you most want to read? Sorting Hat should decide where I should be. If you could have any power, which would you choose? Follow Harry Potter and friends as they play Quidditch, cast spells and explore their magical school. Ravenclaw's are known to be smart, creative, original, and witty. I'VE ALWAYS BEEN A SLYTHERIN SINCE DAY ONE!!! We have other quizzes matching your interest. Quiz: Which Obscure Harry Potter Character Are You? Home Quiz Which Hogwarts House Do You Belong In? You would be sorted into Slytherin, like Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, and Leta Lestrange! You enter a magical garden. Represented by an eagle, her colors are blue and bronze. WIZARDING WORLD Publishing and Theatrical Stage Rights J.K. Rowling. Harry Potter House Quiz: Which Harry Potter Hogwarts House Do You Belong To? OMG I'M A SLYTHERIN!!!! I took the test twice and i got Slytherin and Gryffindor. Choose from the options given, which best suits you. Which of these types of movies would you rather watch? US residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. It's an ethos etched into founder Rowena Ravenclaw diadem: 'wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure'. We come here with an interesting "Pottermore Sorting Hat Quiz" for you. Probably the most surprising member of Hufflepuff is Ron Weasley actor, Rupert Grint. This may surprise you, but there is no doubt about it. "You might belong in Hufflepuff where they are just and loyal. You can once again be sorted into a Hogwarts house on J.K. Rowlings interactive website Pottermore. How would you react? This includes some popular characters from the series who are in each house and the celebrities who have revealed their allegiances. Most importantly, Gryffindor is very brave. What would you say is the best thing about you? So far, in the Harry Potter franchise, we know exactly how to obtain a Hogwarts house. It will automatically move you on to the next question after you select your answer. The test consists of some questions related to your choice. So far, in the Harry Potter franchise, we know exactly how to obtain a Hogwarts house. They decided to divide the students into four houses, each with its name and featuring young wizards and witches. Godric was said to be the most accomplished dueler of his time. Eddie Redmayne, who plays Newt Scamander, says that he is a proud Hufflepuff. What do you do? In a video with Pottermore, Grint took their sorting quiz and found out that he is a member of the yellow and black. . Get ready to show your. Gryffindor values courage, bravery, nerve, and chivalry. Choose one of the four classical elements: Choose your favorite color out of the ones listed below: Which fault do you notice in people that bothers you the most? Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by four powerful wizards: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff. This matches her on-screen character, Ginny Weasley. Students of whom the Sorting Hat has taken more than five minutes to sort are said to have triggered a Hatstall. This may surprise you, but there is no doubt about it. Check out the patronus guide! Merlin is one particularly famous Slytherin. We have also included some additional trivia about each of the great houses at the end of this page. What he doesn't know won't hurt him! Join your Hogwarts house, pose for your wizarding world portrait and more! I think this one is the most accurate pottermore quiz . Answered, Is Hogwarts Legacy Canon in Harry Potter? A. Members of Gryffindor are typically extremely brave, daring, loyal, and chivalrous. Which of these Houses do you dislike the most? Fisher is an actor, singer, and dancer. Or a kind Hufflepuff? The Hogwarts houses have their particular quirks and traits that we can all relate to but theres always that one specific house that you can personally see yourself in. That's what you're going to find out in this extended version of the official Pottermore House Quiz. JK Rowling responded by saying that she could have told Tom that years ago but didnt want to spoil his motivation while playing the role of Draco. Or, are you a Slytherin like Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, and Horace Slughorn? This is where you will find out more details about your Harry Potter house quiz result. All we have to follow is instinct, reading, and observing everything to understand which Hogwarts Houses resonate most with us. Examples that are associated with other houses curious to get a sneak peek into what result. 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official harry potter house quiz

official harry potter house quiz