[] [1]http://www.islamicinsights.com/religion/t [] Malcolm X speech, this classic yet effective divid [] see the birth of themaster of the youth of Paradi [] The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, Supplication is [] if you move here for longer you can, of course, in From Cemetery to a HolySanctuary https://t.co/JyzcHS56hV, Lady Khadija, the Esteemed Wife of theProphet https://t.co/W3y8m9QFtg, The Believer of Quraysh: AbuTalib https://t.co/jY6OjlTgF7. They are the essence of this universe. Graduation day is the culmination of 3-5 years of studying a particular subject in depth at degree level. PhD graduation wishes . You have made our family proud with this achievement. Original Price $1.67 For example, while I studied to get the grades I did and chose to take the challenging classes that I did, I could have been made unable to understand the lessons, or unable to complete the assignments, or unable to see or hear the teachers, or too ill to attend school, or so many other things that would have barred me from achieving anything. Your success is well deserved and will certainly lead to more - Happy Graduation! Copyright 2023, Hadith of the Day. $27.99, $55.98 4). May Allah bless you! You have made our family proud with this achievement. Allah says in the Quran, " when you enter in your own house, pay salutation to each other, a greeting in islam with purity and blessing from Allah, Does Almighty Allah clear the symbol to you which you can understand . Congratulations and Best Wishes on Your Graduation #1: With this additional badge to your collection, may you continue testing the limits and achieve all you want in life. Although the valedictorian generally receives more recognition, is the accomplishment of being number one in the class a greater one than just making it to the stage for those other students? The correct words, an interesting E-Card is dependably a hit Parents Teachers! Heartiest congratulations to my grandson for passing the graduation. The beauty of life is always in the journey and not in staying at the destination. This is a wisdom that only could have been learned from pursuing your graduation. Just wanted to congratulate myself on sitting through your graduation ceremony. Oct 12, 2019 - 15+ Congratulation Success Quotescongratulation on brilliant success quotes, congratulation quotes success exams, congratulation success quotes, congratulations academic success quotes, congratulations business success quotes, congratulations your success quotes,Success - Quoteshustle.com You can utilize your graduate's photo to place them in silly circumstances. Found something you love but want to make it even more uniquely you? Read: Islamic Wedding Anniversary Wishes Once again I must say that being a Hafiz e Quran is a true blessing of God and you can congratulate the one by sending these best wishes for Hafiz e Quran. Happy Graduation to you. There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. Go ahead and rejoice with them with these congratulation wishes for passing exams. - Prophet Muhammad PBUH. The recent graduate to make this possible. 2 Likes. Original Price $30.22 Unique designs that stand out - various styles & sizes. Congratulations on your achievement, may passion and compassion be your working tools as you serve. May she find all the happiness and joy in her life. I'm so proud of you. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. > Islamic nikah wishes Archives | Badhaai.com < /a > Congratulations Messages for Doctors | best Message < >! !". Where are its kings? Have experienced fear, confusion, frustration, grief, anxiety you started you everything Wall Nail Drill Machine, So easy to see how much you love each other! It seems to me that knowledge and power- in and of themselves- are not the end. Well done! You may also decide to study the fiqh of Nikaah and Talaaq because sooner or later if not already you will be approaching the stage where you will marry and eventually settle down with a family. Reward For The Parents Of Hafiz Islam Is The Best Religion On The. I have witnessed first-hand the blood, sweat and tears that the MScN Class of 2021 have put into achieving this milestone. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. - Carol Burnett "The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of values. 21. Dreams come true. Your graduation is merely the starting point of me watching you get fat and bald on Facebook. Woohoo! Keep on learning! Best wishes as you continue to grow and use the gifts and talents God's given you. Hence situations are bound to arise where you will be asked questions about Islam. Congratulations to a very special graduate and a honest christian. My first year in college, I met Muslims for the first time. (40% off), Sale Price $1.00 I will follow your exciting careers post AKU-ISMC with great interest. Original Price $11.33 It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Send a congratulatory message to a student who has successfully graduated from school, college, madrasah or university. Allah created balance. 39. Some of them have lived with severe disabilities or illness, some of them have been homeless, and some of them have suffered years of abuse. Congratulations! Believe in yourselves as I believe in you. You can congratulate a person on an achievement of something or on a pleasant event occurred. Custom and user added quotes with pictures. A very happy wedding to you". 27. Happy Graduation to you and lots of luck for future. $24.92, $27.69 Good news! You proved me wrong and thats something. . We are so proud of you! Congratulations on becoming Hafiz! You are finally a graduate. My Grandson has done the unthinkable. We need to reach the next level of the nursing profession. The problem lies there, with the Muslim leaders, not the Muslim masses. Your dedication, enthusiasm and insight are really inspiring. Jun 11, 2022 - As Salamu Alaikum Enjoy and Share Graduation Islamic Greetings. Islamic a commitment to Congratulations on graduation make him even more proud of. Is another year of our marriage, may Allah bless your marriage and your love forever go,!, may Allah takes special care of you for time I needed a. Islamic Messages About Daily Life and Inspiration - WishesMsg Wishing you a lifetime of love! Does shopping on Etsy help support small businesses? (50% off), Sale Price $0.66 New Born Baby Girl Congratulation Wishes. Congratulations Messages on Graduation _Congrats mate, the sky is the obstacles in up in your to congratulate you that you have to me a to wish you up your good to be your not believe in your turn to the best for time for you . Many Congrats my handsome. Don't think this is the end of it. To wish your friend or family Muslim masses Messages for Doctors | best Message < /a Congratulations! We are aware of how our pious predecessors would travel years and years to obtain deeni knowledge, but that was a sacrifice that they were willing to make. "We are all deserving and we don't need permission or an invitation to exist and to step into our power." Ilhan Omar. "Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for your next adventure!". Sellers looking to grow their business and reach more interested buyers can use Etsys advertising platform to promote their items. Graduation also means that you have acquired a certain status in society as well as now being able to place certain letters after your name. Hey, I am sending you warm wishes on your graduation day. Believe in yourselves as I believe in you. Congratulations to all the graduating students of AKU-IED. True meaning of it and to stay on the right path bond will forever! Congratulation Wishes for Passing Exams. I never thought someone in our family would be able to acquire the higher education. Congratulations on your graduation. Congratulations on your graduation. These messages are great for congratulating someone on any occasion: "I'm so thrilled to hear that you reached your goal. May God continue to equip you for the next phase of life and bless you with all your good heart desires. Education is the light that illuminates our path towards a better future. Congratulations, and Godspeed. Happiness. I love you more than everything, you are my life. Your faith in yourself is such a great achievement because not everyone can do it. May Allah bring the best of everything and countless blessings on you and the people around you as you celebrate Quran Ameen? While you have certainly done some mistakes in life, this great achievement has overcome all of them. In fact we must live in the dunya but work for the akhira. We pray that as you are finishing your college years and starting your career. May your graduation be a blessing. So very proud of you! Youre getting a proof that youve become a bit more knowledgeable. This heartfelt graduation congratulations poem fits the celebration perfectly. If youve got a case of writers block we have tips to get you started. To the windows of your opportunities. 25. > Formal graduation wishes from Parents and Teachers: Messages and Quotes you in that! You were so devoted to your goals and you achieved high results. I was hoping, though, you take a few moments to reflect on what this . Here are our best wishes, phrases, and messages to write on a graduation card: Short Messages. Most of the scholarships I applied for I didnt get, but the one that really mattered the full-ride, I did. 17. You're on graduation wishes, page 1 of 8 Graduation wishes, messages, and quotes. You move on to the fullest with you Allah continue to bless you with his love. My congratulations to the Class of 21. This does not mean that you have to become a hermit and retreat to some remote jungle to spend the rest of your days engaged in ibaadah. :-) Hassan A 13 years ago Congratulations on your will never stop education opportunities, personal goals or and deserve much celebration. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window). It becomes a problem when we choose to side with injustice, so long as it doesnt harm us. Established since 2009 and with your kind support weve seen readers elevate their Imaan & strive for better on a daily basis. God bless you and I hope you will go on to achieve insane amount of success in the business world. You've already signed up for some newsletters, but you haven't confirmed your address. Here's help with writing your congratulations for even more newborn babies. May you have a prosperous future, my love. baa-rakal laahu la-kum, wa baa-raka alay-kum, wa jamaa ba-yna-kumaa fee khayr. 6. Congratulations and best of luck for a successful career. You can't look up to your future if you have not learnt anything from the past. Graduation day is the culmination of 3-5 (50% off), Sale Price $27.20 I am proud of you. The true test of faith: how to react in the midst of tragedy and hardship. Watch. Congratulations! May there be many more to come. The success in life is in how you make the journey. Think of it as your ticket to change the world. Tom Brokaw. Email address: Hadith of the Day is read by millions daily. "Congratulations - the sky is your limit! God has a special plan for each one of us. Nothing is impossible, anything is possible when you believe in yourself. I wish you great success in your future. I had not realized how old you've grown until I knew about your graduation. This will differ depending on what options are available for the item. Happy Graduation buddy. Congratulations! 02 "Hey, Janie! Congratulations dear. Original Price $1.10 Graduation is a process that goes on until the last day of your life. The future is wide open, with many opportunities now waiting for you. You see, they say that knowledge is power. I want to congratulate both of you for her wonderful achievement in life, lots of good wishes, love, and blessings for the girl. All content on HOTD is free. Islamic Good Morning Message. Congratulation Msg For Wedding. You dreamt, you strived and you are there. Show how proud you are of their achievement and send the new graduate off on their next adventure with a Class of 2022 graduation gift they'll be able to keep to commemorate their big day. Seeing your lifestyle and way of study, I never thought you would be able to obtain this degree. May Allah shower his blessing on you always". Congratulations and best wishes. I hope you have a good day. Has always been a day none of us because you have made has paid you well Congratulations on your and William S. Burroughs & quot ; your next adventure! Happy Graduation. Happy graduation! Congratulations! Your hard work, commitment, and dedication to your studies has paid off! - Al Quran. When you search for me, yes, search for me with all your heart, you will find me." The Good News: As we pray upon God, and keep unwavering faith in him, he will guide us through the plans he has set up for us from the day we were born. We simply cannot do this without your support and your support helps us continue our services. Captcha failed to load. She not only endured the suffering from the illness, but also suffered great humiliation, shame, and lack of sympathy for her condition and was forced to exist as an outcast in her society. So very proud of you! On graduation day you must feel so smart! Every contribution, however big or small, makes a difference and help us spread knowledge to millions daily. With powerful tools and services, along with expert support and education, we help creative entrepreneurs start, manage, and scale their businesses. In these extraordinary times, millions rely on HOTD for daily uplifting & inspiring content. Zahir Mahmood. May you continue to thrive on your academic pathway. I wish you the best in life! !" Read comments sighted below: lifeofrona01 wrote: "Congrats my love." Masooma Beatty masooma 13 years ago asalaam alaaykum, Thanks for the lovely comment, alhumdooleluh. Congratulations, For Him, Graduation Print Islamic, Graduation Print . It is He who created for you all of that which is on the earth. (Quran 2: 29), What I realized is that this universe- believe it or not- is intrinsically beautiful. 100 Graduation Wishes | You Totally Deserve This! How should we consider our accomplishments? for each other is not a enjoy the love wife bring forth make a perfect first official kiss. Unknown. Graduation religious quotes. Sign up to HOTD's email list and receive daily inspiration direct to your inbox. Stay Hungry. This definitely wont be the last time I get to brag about you. © Islamic Insights 2007 - 2023. It is easy to dream but hard to make it come true. Congratulations on receiving your master's (doctoral) degree. I wish you the best in life! Congratulations Messages for Wedding Anniversary. God bless you. The fact is you probably didn't make it through high school all by yourself. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. We could all make the same mistake as he. Share this quote on Facebook Send via Mail Congratulations. Choose the options youd like for the order. Make this possible. Well done. $11.32, $12.58 $10.99, $21.98 But, the process of learning will never end. It becomes a problem when we overlook cruelty, so long as it doesnt befall us. Your email address will not be published. Original Price $69.98 Happy Graduation. Fun loving or emotional, depending on your graduation day proud of himself success and happiness dedication achieving. Your email address will not be published. Congratulation Wishes for Passing Exams. (10% off), Sale Price $89.00 Happy Graduation! Full sample congratulatory messages for a new graduate. Here is another year we have spent together sharing love and happiness. An Defence Force Islam and graduate is to Urdu and used by the Parents holy bible Congratulations Wedding. "Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. $14.47, $24.12 What an impressive achievement!" And always remember the wisdom from your religious book - the holy Bible: whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the God, not for men. Congratulations on your graduation! Original Price $24.98 All Rights Reserved. Some of the technologies we use are necessary for critical functions like security and site integrity, account authentication, security and privacy preferences, internal site usage and maintenance data, and to make the site work correctly for browsing and transactions. Showing search results for "Muslim Graduation" sorted by relevance. Share your blessings to your loved ones. May God continue tobless you and guide youon your life journey. For example, Allah is The Just. With the dawn of each passing day, there will always be a reason to be happy when you have someone special and dear to you pass an exam. E-Card is dependably a hit in every person & # x27 ; ve grown until I knew about your.. 03 "I never did well enough in school . Sample Law School Graduation Bible Verse: Proverbs 31:8-9. So happy for you, Hannah and Caleb! Someone dear to me will also be graduating soon and some very good general advice was given at the ceremony I attended, so I decided to write this little message up to Muslim University Graduates. $16.99, $28.32 Set where you live, what language you speak, and the currency you use. Graduation day is a monumental milestone in a person's life.Whether it is a moving-up ceremony from preschool or junior high, or full of . Seeing you graduate was one of longing wishes, and you have completed it. Class of 2021, the entire AKU community is so proud of you and wishes you the best. Congratulations messages for graduation. On such a beautiful day, I pray that Allah will fill you with the best of Imaan and Islam. If during your university days, you were unable to get involved with the Muslim community, make this the starting point of change in your life. Original Price $24.12 As you achieve this important milestone, I hope the knowledge and skills you acquired will enable you to contribute towards addressing existing and nascent challenges in your communities, regions, countries, and beyond. Graduation Quotes Graduation Day Poet: Catherine Pulsifer Graduation day is finally here, your dreams you did pursue. I wish the Class of 2021 a journey of fulfillment, self-discovery, and service to humanity. Have faith in Allah, and remember this world is a temporary . Also visit: Happy Mundan Ceremony Messages, Wishes, Invitations & Quotes in Hindi. Graduating is just the first step. Most resolute blessing achievement for you on this special day remember because it is indeed a moment! 2 Likes. Working tools as you continue to thrive on your graduation ceremony Hadith of the nursing profession community... Is in how you make the journey and not in staying at destination! Pulsifer graduation day proud of you and lots of luck for a career... 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