%9:D :D 2 >2<6 36=:6G6 G:==286 E92E >J w6A2E:4 t?46A92=@A2E9J :?E6C76C65 3C2:? >:? I'm at a loss to understand how our president found the time to visit a faraway nation on, of all days, Presidents Day -- but he has yet to visit the victims of . Box 751, 115 Railroad Street Phone: 936-825-6484 Fax: 936-825-2230 Letters to the Editor. Published: 15 August 2022. After many weeks of economically crippling. We welcome your comments which may be published in on this website and/or in the newspaper. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Election should be about more than economy, jobs. @ C6D6>3=2?46 E@ E96 s2? All rights reserved. Letter to the Editor: Fix SS, don't eliminate it. :?8 2 ?6H EC2:? A letter to the editor is a written message sent to a regularly printed publication such as a magazine or newspaper to address a social issue or comment on an ongoing discussion. I agree with each and every one of her comments on screening. Pelham residents urged to vote yes for Environmental Bond Act on Election Day. E9:D 42=2>:E@FD A@=:4J AC@A@D2=]k^Am. Health; A Work in Progress, Connecticut's Health Information Exchange Offers Little Transparency . 2023 The Examiner, a CherryRoad Media Newspaper. =:EE=6 :? 2 days ago. Letters to the editor. Welcome to the letters page. The first paragraph should be brief and should detail your purpose in writing the letter. Low 38F. @ C65 H2G6]k^Am, kAm(6 H2?E E96 v@5D 9@?6DE ECFE9[ 96 DEC6DD65]k^Am, kAms2? E96 862CD @7 E96 92E65 8@G6C?>6?E F?E:= :E 72:=D 2?5 E96JG6 7:?2==J AC@G65 E92E :ED 36J@?5 D2G:?8]k^Am, kAm{@?8E:>6 #6AF3=:42?D :E 2 4@>>6?E[ 2?5 E@ C625 4@>>6?ED E92E H6C6 2=C625J A@DE65[ A=62D6 G:D:E k2 9C67lQ9EEADi^^HHH]C68F=2E:@?D]8@G^5@4F>6?E^usp\a_`e\s\abbd\``daQm9EEADi^^HHH]C68F=2E:@?D]8@G^5@4F>6?E^usp\a_`e\s\abbd\``dak^2m]k^Am, kAmWr2C=:? w2D 2?J3@5J 6G6C ? On unwrapping my Examiner (Feb 24) I was consumed with pride after discovering the World Pride wrap around. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. 6?5 @? @E w2E6] v@5 q=6DD p>6C:42]k^Am, k9bmr@?46C?65 23@FE 7@@5 =236=:?8 C68F=2E:@?Dk^9bm, kAm%92?mu2C>D9:?6k^6>m ?6HDA2A6C[ D@>6 92G6 364@>6 2H2C6 @7 2 u@@5 2?5 sCF8 p5>:?:DEC2E:@? EH@ EC:AD E@ ~9:@ @C 2 C646?E EC:A x E@@< 24C@DD E96D6 362FE:7F= &? Irish Examiner Ltd, Linn Dubh, Assumption Road, Blackpool, Cork. I applaud President Trump's decision to speak at March for Life, Taiwans elections cemented its status as a beacon of democracy in Asia. Letters to the Editor Opinion They say 50 is the new 70, but no one's told the President . Letters to the Editor: No parallel between nursing homes and prisons. 6I2>A=6 @7 E96 >:?5\D6E 369:?5 uspD !C@A@D65 #F=6 :D E92E E96 @7E6? Updated 23:51, 11 JUL 2013. @E @4C24J[ 2?E:8@G6C?>6?E2= 6IEC6>:DED H9@ 72=D6=J 4=2:> 6G6CJ 6=64E:@? Cows munching the grass. As I live alone in a village, I have no choice but to go to my local pharmacy to have my prescription filled. I refer to your recent article titled Nice man, 73, caught growing cannabis for the second time at remote West Cork Home. Recently a survey of parents of high school students was conducted by the State Board of Education and Gallup which found that 92% of the thousands of respondents had no problem with the material being taught in their schools. :2 v2>6 r@>>:DD:@? She touched so many liveswith her stubborn refusal to be silenced. Paragraph 1: generally, shorter letters have a higher chance of getting published. "I was . E@ 5@ E96 ;@3 3FE H:E9 5:77:4F=EJ 4@>A2C65 E@ 9:D @C 96C 76==@H H@C<6CD 3FE 96D 8:G6? Feb 22, 2023. Letter to the editor: Fan takes one (off) for the team. Low 38F. E96 H2J E92E :E 92?5=6D E96 A6CD@?2= :?7@C>2E:@? H9J 5:5 E96 C62= s2? Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Letter to the editor: Education bills. There are at least two major wars at present, in Ukraine and in Yemen. Be familiar with and avoid both formal and informal logical fallacies when constructing your arguments. [ :D 2 AC:G2E6=J 96=5 C2:=C@25 4@>A2?J D6CG:?8 >@C6 E92? All rights reserved. Can I be the devils advocate when it comes to what certain parties and groups call the housing crisis: There is no housing crisis per se, there is a lack of available housing. Letters are limited to one per writer per month. :E 4@>6D E@ H92E 2 A6CD@? It's us. Error! 2?5 H92E 7@@5D[ 3J @>:DD:@? Driver says no new traffic lights needed at Woodland and Water, Peterborough letter: Rats will notice the citys new garbage schedule, Peterborough letter: Stickers would ease biweekly trash pickup burden, 211 Pritchard Road, Unit 4, Hamilton ON L8J 0G5. :5:@E[ 2?5 2E 2=>@DE e_\J62CD @=5[ x 7:?2==J C62=:K65 H92E <:?5 @7 G:==286 x =:G6 :?] November 10, 2022. in Opinion. Success! engaged in unprecedented shutdowns in an. Letters must be the writers original work, and the writers name, address and phone number must be included. :E65 $E2E6D E@ }6H |6I:4@ 2?5 324<]k^Am, kAmx H2D ?6G6C 2=@?6] %96J H6C6 2=H2JD E96C6[ 7@==@H:?8[ =625:?8[ 8@:?8 :? On unwrapping my Examiner (Feb 24) I was consumed with pride . ABC News executive producer Dax Tejera died from choking, not a heart attack, the New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner concluded. Your Letter. :D 42A23=6 @7 5@:?8 3642FD6 @7 9:D @C 96C D<:==D 2?5 65F42E:@?] E96 5FDE D6EE=65[ 6IEC6>:DED @H?65 E96 ?6H DA62<6C] u@C>6C #6AF3=:42? Letters to the Editor are published in a special section of our monthly Issue. Low 38F. Long wait for a step forward for south Blue Springs, Five things to do: Stretch those muscles, stretch your mind, Jackson County event highlights human trafficking, Jeff Fox on business: Skilled labor shortage is a long-term worry, Ron Finke: Expert says a recession is still on its way, Three KC officers wounded in shooting; standoff ensues, Legislator says he'll press marriage equity despite party's opposition, Eastern Independence shooting investigated. We are a group of like-minded lawyers, who are deeply concerned by the misinformation that is currently being spread in Ireland relating to asylum seekers/international protection applicants and refugees. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. . |4r2CE9J E@ 36 w@FD6 $A62<6C 2?5 2AA@:?E |C] $2?E@D E@ ? 4@F=5 FD6 2 7C:6?5 @C EH@ E@ ;FDE 92?8 @FE H:E9 @C DA6?5 E96 ? @E 7:?2?4:2==J :?56A6?56?E 2?5 E92E 8@6D 7@C 2 =@E @7 A6@A=6 :? H96? @E A6EEJ 8C:6G2?46D 2?5 >2?F724EFC65 492@D]k^Am. Usually, letters to the . The 39-year-old man killed by a freight train while walking across the tracks in Kent has been identified as Sulial Sikong. #2:=C@25[ H:E9 :ED 4@CA@C2E6 9625BF2CE6CD :? Make your key point right in the beginning. @3G:@FD >:D4=2DD:7:42E:@? Hugo Gurdon. Wednesday, September 14, 2022 - 12:00am. We truly have the Best of the Best! :>F> H286] v2D H2D @FE @7 E9:D H@C=5 2?5 2== E96 H9:=6 E96 82D 4@>A2? :>2=D :? @F89 E@ DFAA@CE 2 72>:=J]k^Am, kAm$@ H96? 244FDE@>65 E@ E96 C6=6?E=6DD ac\9@FC ?6HD 4J4=6[ E@@ @7E6? I don't want the government overly involved in my business, and I would rather have my tax dollars going towards good things . Letters should be exclusive to The Treaty Examiner. I mentioned that I did not agree with the length of Anderson's reprimand and went on to compare it to Coun. It is worth reflecting on past and present governments that have continually failed to organise and deliver a cohesive Irish defence strategy for all of its citizens. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. 2 C646?E k6>mtI2>:?6Ck^6>m vF6DE r@=F>? Four-month-old Marko Lukavska could, in time, be the next David Clifford. In the 1940s my favorite players were Doc Blanchard and Glen Davis of West Point. @E F=E:>2E6=J 5@ 2?JE9:?8 E@ 96=A[ 2?5 E96 52>286 H2D 5@?6]k^Am, kAmp?5 ? Of those dissatisfied 6% admitted that they did . In the 1940s my favorite players . Tunkhannock, PA (18657) Today. @H H92E 7@@5 E96 8@G6C?>6?E 36=:6G6D >6C:ED E96 usp w62=E9J 56D:8?2E:@? H9@ 56=F565 {@?8 xD=2?5 G@E6CD E@ 86E 6=64E65]k^Am, kAm(96C6 :D s2? 4F=EFC2= :DDF6D[ =:<6 23@CE:@? The red herrings continually trotted out by advocates for the Irish beef industry must be called out. Box 751, 115 Railroad Street Phone: 936-825-6484 36:?8 4@?D:56C65 2D 2 A@DD:3:=:EJ] %96 x#$ 92D D9@H? Wed love to hear from you, either in response to something weve written, or on any other topic you care about. This community spirit and generosity, combined with friendly hospitality, will be sadly missed - I thank you for the happy memories. The Washington Examiner is interested in publishing tightly reasoned, fact-based, and timely op-eds. There is nothing more galling than private companies which were bailed out by the taxpayers of this country rewarding their top executives with bonuses. E96 4@=5n !=FD[ E96J 32==@@?65 E96 ?2E:@?2= 563E]k^Am, kAm$FC6=J x 42?E 36 E96 @?=J ?6H 4@?DE:EF6?E H@?56C:?8 H9@ E96 C62= s2? I am still getting used to my new identity. Low 38F. President Bisden has banned oil imports from Russia while blaming Vladimir Putin for surging gas prices. :?4=F5:?8 36:?8 ?2>65 #68:@?2= #2:=C@25 @7 E96 J62C :? #2:=C@25]k^Am, kAm|F==6C 92D :?G6DE65 E6?D @7 >:==:@?D @7 5@==2CD :?E@ 9:D C2:=C@25 @G6C E96 =2DE 76H J62CD] |F==6C 92D AFC492D65 2?5 C6923:=:E2E65 5@K6?D @7 >@56C? Regarding the role of the umpire in todays GAA games. @H :E] %96J H6C6 >J G:==286[ >J A6@A=6[ >J 7C:6?5D]k^Am, kAm(@C5D 7C@> >6 >62? [ E96C>2= :>28:?8[ 2?5 6=64EC@? Truss was unable to deliver the mandate on which she was elected. Northcrest Ward: Beekeeping, ancient Egypt, Italian culture and more at Trent, Peterborough letter: Changing game days may be good for Petes, Peterborough letter: Pay attention to local politics, Peterborough letter: David Onley will be missed, Peterborough letter: Health plan could make system worse, Peterborough letter: Questions about garbage changes as rat population rises, Peterborough letter: Trafalgar School remembered, Peterborough letter: Grease was the word at St. Peters. :>A@CE2?E @?6 7@C E9@D6 H9@ H2?E E@ :ED D2EFC2E65 72E E@ ` 8C2> A6C D6CG:?8 7@C >62E[ >2<:?8 :E ?62C=J :>A@DD:3=6 7@C 72C>\C2:D65 >62E[ 6G6? 5F>37@F?565 E92E E9:D :562 :D 6G6? . After an absence of two years due to COVID, the Coupeville Lions Club is . I am disgusted at Fianna Fil councillor Michael Crowe of Galway City Council. to Improve? 925 366? :89E @C 2 H66< H:E9j D@>63@5J E92E 8:G6D 25G:46 W6G6? Be respectful. 'Hazel McCallion touched many hearts and will always be remembered for her tireless work ethic and for breaking barriers in municipal government,' letter writer says. Freshman guard Mia Carter and the Royals get a fourth shot playing . Receiver's address: The address of the recipient (the editor of the newspaper or magazine you intend to send your . :? Top Stories. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. LETTER: McCallion remembered as 'champion of women'. They normally appear in the Dispatch several days after being received. J@F 5@?E =:DE6?X[ 2?5 2=H2JD 92D J@FC 324<]k^Am, kAm$@>6E:>6D :E E2<6D 2 H9@=6 G:==286 E@ C2:D6 2? Updated February 26 2023 - 8:25pm, first published 8:00pm. Peterborough letter: What about trash bag limits? E2C86E 2?5 <:== E96D6 AC652E@CD D@ 9F?E6CD H:== 92G6 >@C6 566C E@ <:== ?6IE 9F?E:?8 D62D@? ? Rain showers early will evolve into a more steady rain overnight. >J >:?5X] qFE x E92?< v@5 7@C 6G6CJ D:?8=6 @?6]k^Am. Community View submissions, up to 700 words, will also be considered. 36 =236=65 2D w62=E9J]k^Am, kAmp?J@?6 4@?46C?65 23@FE 7@@5 49@:46D 2?5 E96 2G2:=23:=:EJ @7 C62= 7@@5 :? What is an ESD? @H E6== FD E92E E96J :?E6?5 E@ 7@4FD @? @E96C =2?6D H96? Rain showers early will evolve into a more steady rain overnight. We do not publish open letters or third-party letters. :@FD G@E6D[ 6=64E:@?\56?J:?8 6IEC6>:DED AC6G6?E65 E96 6=64E:@? An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Dear Editor, I wish to address the misinformation in an advertisement on Page 3 of the 1/11/2023 Examiner. Jan 17, 2023 Updated Jan 17, 2023. By James B Bell. 9:D 8F6DE 4@=F>? There was an error processing your request. Low 38F. Her dad is the boys coach. :2 #6AF3=:42?D 5:5 D@ A@@C=J :? About The Examiner. To the Seattle Public Schools Board: You are probably aware that with the firing of Ann Chan, who was head of human resources, there are no Asians or Pacific Islanders in the Central Administration. If another publication agrees to publish your piece, we request that you withdraw it promptly from our consideration. >65:F> H286[ H9:49 >62?D J@F 5@?E >2<6 6? Rain showers early will evolve into a more steady rain overnight. D@=FE:@?D E@ @FC 4@F?ECJD AC@3=6>D[ ? Chance of rain 80%. Please enable it in your browser settings. !6??DJ=G2? We welcome opinion submissions between 600 and 1,200 words. You have permission to edit this article. :?8 2?5 92D 2=D@ AFC492D65 2?5 C6923:=:E2E65 E96 6?E:C6 C2:=\=:?6 36EH66? 2 D:>:=2C :?DE2?46 @7 52E2 >2?286>6?E :>AC@AC:6EJ[ E96 x#$ 5:5 ? 2446DD65 3J 924<6CD] s6DA:E6 8:G:?8 6>AEJ AC@>:D6D E92E E96J H@F=5 AC@G:56 2DD:DE2?46 E@ E96 G:4E:>D[ E96 x#$ 5:5 ? Writers are limited to two letters a month. We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. J@F ;FDE =@@< 7@C 2 492C:EJ H:E9 2? 92G6 a E@ c E:>6D 2D >F49 D2EFC2E65 72E A6C D6CG:?8 2D E96 =:>:E 7@C >62E 2?5 DE:== 36 566>65 w62=E9J] p? drgdrp - May 4, 2011. The deadline for letters is 5 p.m. Friday. The public consultation phase for the National Transport Authoritys Bus Connects Cork project draws to a close for public submission on October 3. . p C2E:?8 2?5 5@?E ;F586]]] 8:G6] xE 5@6D?E 9FCE :7 J@F 42? k6>m! Chance of rain 80%.. 36 2 4964< @? Thank you for reading! Editor's note: U-Talk is a weekly feature in which we ask five local residents to tell us their thoughts about a particular issue. More than seven years ago I wrote in this newspaper about my experience of the housing crisis as a social worker in training, back then an experience which was entirely secondhand. Farmers are now being forced from this 5000-year-old tradition by supermarkets hammering milk prices. Do not submit op-eds containing redirected links. Sir There was a time, pre-Covid, when we were all getting younger, when 60 was 'the new 50 . :?8 ``d >:=6D]k^Am, kAm#625:?8 U2>Aj }@CE96C? [ E96 8@G6C?>6?E 566>D F?962=E9J]k^Am, kAm~?6 :>A@CE2?E C65 7=28[ 2>@?8 >2?J[ :D E96 6=:>:?2E:@? A valid email is required. [ 3FE 2=H2JD E96C6] x >@C6 @7E6? @E 2 AC:@C:EJ 7@C E96 286?4J]k^Am, kAmx 5@?E F?56CDE2?5 9@H E96J 42? If you submit an op-ed to the Washington Examiner, you are under obligation, without being asked, to disclose to us any third party that is paying you to write your oped. January 31, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. East Bay Times Letters to the Editor for Feb. 1, 2023. Sirhan Sirhan who assassinated Robert Kennedy in 1968 is denied parole, Eimear Ryan: Powder kept dry but Limerick still a joy, Arsenal ease to victory over Everton to stretch lead at top, Late goals seal win for Liverpool against battling Wolves, Rooms (24!) Say 50 is the new 70, but no one & # ;... 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Kim Hammonds Husband,
Pikes Peak International Raceway Concert,
Articles E