Overall, Minnesota was Solid Democratic, having voted for Barack Obama (D) in 2012, Hillary Clinton (D) in 2016, and Joe Biden . The county seat is Great Falls.. Ballotpedia provides comprehensive coverage of the 100 largest cities in America by population.This encompasses all city, county, and special district elections appearing on the ballot within those cities. Moore was first elected to the position in 2006. I graduated from Cascade High School along with my husband Paul in 1983. Daily Montanan Editor-in-Chief Darrell Ehrlick contributed to this report. Graham works with the Recovery Advocacy Project which supports people with addiction and their families. . After reading local reviews of the election, I believe you are trying to restructure local government. With my experience being outside of government office, I can bring a fresh perspective and new . Kerns sponsored legislation regarding military leaves of absence and allocating state funds for counties to cover funeral costs for indigent persons. Signup today! Hayden was next on the list of candidates provided by the Cascade County Democratic Central Committee to replace Jane Weber, whos resignation was effective Jan. 22. Sheriff Slaughter is a board member of the Montana Sheriffs and Peace Officers where he serves on the Government Relations Committee. SB 152 resulted in a school funding formula that raised money for local districts and lowered property taxes in over 2/3 of Montana school districts. Grubich was sworn in for his second term of office by fellow District Court Judge John Kutzman, before swearing in two new Justices of the Peace, Eric Bailey and Steven Fagenstrom. Rosendale, of Glendive, represents a new district that spans across the central and eastern half of the state and includes Billings, Helena and Great Falls. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Even though the election is past us, WE THE PEOPLE need to remain engaged. 2. Citizen involvement is necessary in making decisions regarding their sovereign rights. In the end, our affected citizens demonstrated they do not support a National Heritage Area. Other Republicans running for the seat include Mitch Heuer of Whitefish, Matt Jette of Missoula, Mary Todd of Kalispell. Cascade County Democrats Facebook Page. Shes advocating for affordable healthcare and education along with sustainable energy and emphasizes corporate responsibility.. Diane Heikkila is running for re-election as a Republican for Treasurer and Superintendent of Schools. Phone: (406) 454-6803 Email:_elections@cascadecountymt.gov. Party candidates will need to meet earlier deadlines to participate in the primary. She has served in the position since 2019. Export. Commissioner Don Ryan was appointed in early 2021, after the retirement of Jane Weber. McKamey served as the Vice Chair on both the State Administration and Veterans Affairs Committee and of House Ethics. GREAT FALLS- Cascade County has released the final results of Tuesday's election. She was Vice Chair of the House Human Services Committee and was also on the Taxation and Rules Committees during the 2021 session. Republican candidates swept Cascade County elections in 2022, and on Friday they gathered at the Cascade County Courthouse to be sworn into office. My husband and I make our home on rural acreage south and east of Stockett and attend church in Centerville. One of three laws Tempel sponsored that became law in 2021 involved waiving certain costs associated with opencut mining operations. She is a member of the Chippewa Cree Tribe and grew up in Belt. I was elected to the office of Treasurer, Superintendent of Schools and took office January 2019 determined to make a positive difference to the structure of the office. Pursuant to a September 30, 2022, District Court Order, registrations . View Full Map. Grulkowski: The motivation to run for office was not in the act of defending private property rights impacted by federal designations, but rather, in realizing the way our current government handles its citizens as they express their ideas in controversial issues. If elected, Ill fight for a thriving downtown full of strong mom-and-pop businesses. George Nikolakakos is running as a Republican in HD-26 and his first time running to serve in the legislature. Zinke resigned from the House to serve in President Donald J. Trumps cabinet, the first Montana confirmed to a cabinet-level position. Miner served on several agriculture boards including Western Triangle Ag Research Center, Montana Fertilizer Research Committee and Cascade County Farm Bureau and is a foster parent and Special Advocate/ Guardian Ad Litem (CASA/GAL). Ballots began arriving in mailboxes last week, but the Cascade County Elections Office has been receiving calls from county residents . Commission Office. He graduated from MSU Bozeman in 2000 with a degree in Criminal Justice and from UM Law School in 2003. Randy Pinocci, 57, was elected to the Public Service Commission in 2018. Filing Window. Follow This Contest. They interviewed Amy Rapp on Jan. 28. Cascade County is a county in Montana.The county population is 84,414, according to the United States Census Bureau. Export. Clerk and Recorders are intimately involved in our election process, and they know that . You have permission to edit this article. There Sherry served on the Middleton School Board and served as a Canyon County . Grulkowski owned and operated a property management business, Mended Fence Property Solutions, for 11 years prior to 2018 and continues to manage her and her husbands personal rental properties both within and outside Great Falls city limits. We have long lacked the leadership and vision to find our niche as an amazing Montana city and use that and market it to bring opportunity. I will work to bring new business and opportunity to Great Falls which I believe will alleviate many of the other issues we face as a community. Video . The section election is to fill the District 3 term of Weber, a Democrat who announced her resignation from the position in December 2020. The 2022 election is unusual in that two Cascade County Commission positions will be on this years ballot, due to the early resignation of Commissioner Jane Weber. You can email her at ngirten@greatfallstribune.com. Henry emailed the Tribune to say he worked as a Child Protection Specialist for four years and now works to monitor parking in downtown Great Falls. I am an individual who wants to serve her community at this level, and I possess qualifications for this elected position. Ryan served four terms on the Board of Trustees for Great Falls Public Schools and served in the legislature for two sessions in the Montana Senate where Ryan was the Chair of the Education Committee. He is currently the Chief Strategic Officer for Alluvion Health. The 2024 United States House of Representatives elections in California will be held on November 5, 2024, to elect the 52 U.S. representatives from the State of California, one from all 52 of the state's congressional districts. During the 2017 session, Schreiner sponsored legislation on providing tax credits for businesses who employ apprentices with an extra incentive for veteran apprentices. In his role as a County Commissioner he has focused his efforts on economic development and the preservation of Malmstrom AFB. I am contacting you because of a matter of great concern here in Cascade County! How would you foster a better working relationship with the county commission to work on local issues, like the makeup of the local governing body required until HB 121 to oversee the Board of Health emergency orders, and others that require collaboration? Republican candidates swept Cascade County elections in 2022, and on Friday they gathered at the Cascade County Courthouse to be sworn into office. Are there issues you feel have not been addressed by the city commission in the past? Contact the Commission Office at 454-6810 with any questions or register in advance for the meeting here. She and her husband make their home on rural acreage south and east of Stockett, in the southeast portion of Cascade County. More than 3,000 Indigenous people live in the city of Great Falls. Let's get to work! Tempel has served in the legislature since the 2017 legislative session. Ive worked every job up to and including the last day of employment, even incurring overtime on that last day. He joined the Army after high school and was honorably discharged in 1997. All five members, including Brown, are Republican. The complaint was filed by Antoinette Wells, another applicant for the position. In the first, Republican incumbent Commissioner Joe Briggs is running unopposed for his fourth term of office in District 1. Nikolakakos served in the U.S. Air Force and Montana National Guard for 20 years and is running to pursue housing attainability that preserves existing affordable housing, promotes new development, and takes advantage of incentives and creative solutions, along with advocating for resources for public safety and other issues outlined on his website. Cascade County. You can email our chair, Ron Szabo at chair@cascadecountydemocrats.org for more information. She was raised in New Plymouth and moved to Boise where she met and married Fred Maupin in 1979. Candidate filing for local and statewide office closed Monday with the primary election scheduled for June 7 and over 300 Montana residents have filed for public office, the Montana Secretary of States reported earlier this week. It was my focus to create awareness of the potential National Heritage Area designation, realizing less than 1.7% of the impacted population knew of the proposal. Current Budget Officer gave her notice of resignation in February 2022 yet there was no discussion put forth to the Public prior to 6 weeks before new candidates take office. Incumbent candidate Galloway is running to keep his seat in HD-24. There are six candidates for the two open commission seats: Joshua Copeland, Vanessa Hayden, Eric Hinebauch, Joe McKenney, Paige Turoski and Susan Wolff. She has completed college course work in both business administration and mechanical engineering. Members of the Central Committee are elected during the June primary every federal election year or appointed in My name is Sandra Merchant and I am running for Cascade County Clerk & Recorder. Every other city in Montana has found their it; what it is that makes them unique, and how to attract industry and business to fuel their growth. Jurisdiction: All Judicial Legislative County Statewide City Park. Tribune: This is your first campaign for public office. Victim Assistance Program is a government program that provides information and aid to persons who have suffered direct physical, emotional, or pecuniary harm as a result of the commission of a crime. We become more poor as a city, and then we get more funding for programs to help the less fortunate. I believe I can use my private sector experience to make this office more efficient, accountable, secure, and customer friendly. It opened with a few remarks from Eighth Judicial District Court Judge David Grubich, who was the first to take his oath of office before the assembled audience. In accordance with Montana election law, the Cascade County Democratic Central Committee submitted the names of three interested candidates to fill the seat vacated by Weber. However, we have crossed a line there and become a help city where others migrate to for government funded help. County Commissioner Joe Briggs is a native of Cascade County and has served as a County Commissioner since January of 2005. While a small businessman he served as Chairman of the Board of the Great Falls Chamber, a member of the Military Affairs Committee, local Republican Party Chairman, District Chairman of the Boy Scouts of America and President of several local organizations as well as being the President of the National Federation of Pachyderm Clubs. If we had followed that advice in Cascade County this is what it would have meant: No new radios for rural fire departments, No new sewer and water project in Black Eagle, No new roof for the Alliance for Youth building, No new well for the Centerville School, No new cell locks at the jail, No money for upgrades in the Belt water system, No new elevator of Great Falls senior center. Previous employers include public school districts in Wisconsin and Montana and the Montana Wheat and Barley Committee. Contact Us. Incumbent Cascade County Commissioner Don Ryan was defeated by . September 22, 2022. A Cascade County District Court judge position, where David Grubich defeated Michele R. Levine with 58 percent of the vote. On Election Day in November of 2020 Cascade County Republican candidates for the state legislature defeated every one of their Democrat opponents. Here are the latest results from the Cascade County Elections Office as of noon on Wednesday, November 9, 2022. Experts say the county is following national trends for rural voters going red. Commissioner Joe Briggs is running as an incumbent in Commission District 1. Gist is running as an incumbent Republican candidate for HD-25. CHICAGO Chicagoans were heading to the polls on Tuesday morning to vote in highly contested mayoral and City Council races that have largely focused on crime, policing and the performance of Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who is seeking a second term leading the nation's third-largest city. 228: School Board Member Director District #1: Regular: 4: Cindy Puckett: PO BOX 276, LEAVENWORTH . The city can best serve ALL people in the community, including Indigenous people by allowing more growth and opportunity. What we are doing isn't working and our town has become stagnant. Election deniers across the country are getting almost no help from local clerk and recorders regardless of political beliefs or party affiliation. Josh Racki County Attorney. Why should voters turn away from an incumbent with more than 16 years of public service? Election Guide '22 The candidates and issues on Montana's 2022 ballot. The county has two justices of the peace, who oversee Justice Court, which handles traffic offenses and misdemeanor criminal offenses issued by the Cascade Grulkowski: American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) monies were distributed prior to guidelines on how they were to be allocated were established. Diane Heikkila is running for re-election as a Republican for Treasurer and Superintendent of Schools. Please expand upon your opposition to these proposed designations, and why they run counter to the interests of Cascade Countys citizens. Hes served on multiple state senate legislative committees, including Business and Labor, Fish and Game, Energy and Telecommunications and Education. The candidates who submitted letters of interest to fill Webers seat, according to Donovan, are: The special meeting with be accessible via Zoom through the Cascade County website: www.cascadecountymt.gov. Montana Democratic Party. . NHAs have been the source of local controversy and conspiracy; the Big Sky National Heritage Area feasibility study will likely be sent to National Park Service in 2022, according to a December BSNHA Inc. Facebook post. Our most immediate challenge is ensuring our 9-1-1 radio system is operational and restoring the trust of our police and fire departments in the management of the 9-1-1 Service District. PORT COMMISSIONER DISTRICT 3: Commissioner District 3: Regular: 6: . Sherry Maupin is an Idaho native and moved to Valley County in 2006. Tempel was Vice Chair of the Education and Cultural Resources Committee in 2021. Hamlett is a rancher out of Cascade. This is a representative position and the people who elect their representatives deserve access to them. 1. Joe Biden & Kamala Harris 39.76%. Results are unofficial until they are certified by the office of the Montana Secretary of State. Commissioner Jim Larson said last week that they were awaiting advice from the County Attorneys Office on how to proceed after Lovick dropped out. View 1785 Huntington Trl, Cascade, VA 24069 property records for FREE including property ownership, deeds, mortgages, titles & sales history, current & historic tax assessments, legal, parcel & structure description, land use, zoning & more. Russell High School and went to the University of Montana, graduating in 1976. 2023 www.greatfallstribune.com. Anderson is running as an incumbent in HD-20 and has served in the legislature since the 2017 legislative session. Ryan: Im not nearly 70! Cascade County Deputy Jay Groskreutz is running against Slaughter also as a Republican. Josh has tried nearly every type of criminal case from speeding tickets to deliberate homicides. Speaking with people, instead of to them and being open and willing to accept critique. Tribune: Youve staked a significant portion of your campaign on your two decades plus of experience in political office and community service. Commissioner Don Ryan was appointed in 2021 to serve out the rest of former Commissioner Jane Webers term and now seeks election to the District 3 position as a Democrat. While most judicial races are unopposed, one race in Cascade County will pit former Judge Michele R. Levine against sitting Judge David Grubich. Great Falls has only experienced a growth rate of 3.5% over the past decade while every other city in Montana has had double that and more. He cited involvement with the Great Falls Development Authority, the Chamber of Commerce and Sweetgrass Development in helping to attract companies to the area like ADF and Centene. Former state commerce director Gary Buchanan of Billings has filed to run against Rosendale as an independent. Copyright 2022 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Compensation of county commissioners. The Kent County Commission 5th District includes the City of Lowell, Lowell Charter Township, Ada Township and the northeast corner of Cascade Township. This question makes the assumption that there is a bad working relationship between the commissions and I am not aware that is the case. There is no financial liability to the county. The people who are engineering this development, are non-transparent and very defensive. Cascade County, Montana 325 2nd Ave North Great Falls, MT 59401 Contact Us; . The two seats are being vacated by commissioners Owen Robinson and Mary Sheehy Moe who will be retiring their positions in December. CASCADE COUNTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICT 3 Rae Grulkowski: 55% (15,727) Don Ryan: 45 . Ryan taught and coached basketball across the state before returning to Great Falls to raise his family. I would support such efforts whole heartedly. The Tribune sent a questionnaire out to candidates last week in the run up to the upcoming election. Four candidates are running to represent Sanders County Commissioner District 2. He was elected to the Cascade County Commission, Jan. 1, 2015 and is finishing the end of his 6th year as commissioner. Smith served as the Great Falls Coordinator for the Elizabeth Warren presidential election campaign, per her website, and is active with several other organizations including as Board President at the Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art and as Secretary of the Cascade County Democratic Central Committee. Several of the bills he sponsored in the 2021 legislative session became law, including expanding the regulation and definition of hemp, as well as a bill that requires approval of the legislature before the federal designation of a National Heritage Area. Not closing open meetings and moving them strictly to call in/Zoom only would be a great start. In the 2021 session, Jacobson was the primary sponsor for a bill surrounding equal access in receiving organ transplants. 4 questions to Cascade County Commission candidates Ryan and Grulkowski. During the 2021 legislative session Galloway sponsored legislation that became law surrounding tenant-landlord agreements and property valuation statements. Governing of Cascade County by the people of Cascade County will work for the people of Cascade County. Sixty-four incumbents face challengers, with 15 facing a primary in June. Your opponent warns that minimizing federal monies keeps our local government operating within its means, restricting regulations and obligations impacting our citizens, and that local government should remain in check with the sovereignty of individual members. How do you respond to these concerns over federal program overreach? Contact via email . Josh is a lifelong Montanan. I have proudly called Montana home my entire life, growing up on the Hi Line in Cut Bank and moving to Great Falls early in 2014. Josh practiced in Kalispell as a private attorney for 2 years before joining the Cascade County Attorneys Office in 2005. Steve Bullock, a Democrat. As anticipated, Derek Skees, a Kalispell Republican state lawmaker who is termed out of the Legislature, is running for District 5, and will be challenged by Republicans Ann Bukacek of Kalispell, Dean Crabb of Marion, and Joe Dooling of Helena. Friday's ceremony took place before a courtroom packed with supporters and family members. School Board elections will be held May 3 with four seats opening up. A proposal to simplify Montana's election calendar would upend how local district elections . Our community can expect an efficient transfer to an elected official who is passionate about involving individuals impacted in decisions made on their behalf. Running against Trebas in SD-13 is Democrat Casey Schreiner who previously served in four sessions in the House. His military career consisted of 4 years in the U.S. Navy, as aCommunications Technician, spending time in Spain, South Korea and countries along the west coast of Africa. A digital project by | Support this work . Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Very truthfully, I wouldnt trade anything I have learned over the years to be one day younger. Galloway served in the legislature for the past two sessions and says he will apply a common sense approach to our government, on his campaign site. On Election Day in November of 2020 Cascade County Republican candidates for the state legislature defeated every one of their Democrat opponents on the ballot, including several incumbent legislators. These are some of the 65 projects selected and funded by the Commission to improve services and infrastructure with the one-time money from ARPA. The recount began at 8 a.m. Nov. 28 after the current clerk and recorder, Rina Fontana Moore, requested the process. Short is a Principal at Copper Creek Construction and opted to decline a position on the Cascade County Zoning Board in 2018 after county officials discovered he had spoken publicly about the Madison Food Park slaughterhouse before he was initially appointed. County Commissioner Joe Briggs attended the provisional vote count on November 14th where he was interviewed by Ms. Rowell. Will be held May 3 with four seats opening up re-election as a Commissioner! 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