The report attempted to link them to shakier allegations of USAID funding being used for coercive sterilization campaigns in other countries. The Nutrition team invests in disseminating proven approaches and developing new solutions that improve nutrition, with a focus on women and children in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. A right-wing documentary. 04 Sep 2022 05:51:23 Jacob Adetunji oversees the design, management, and execution of the Family Planning programs data initiative. This is about gaining control over the human race and limiting population." The quote, in context, was referring to thestabilization offuture population growth to help reduce carbon emissions. An executive at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation told Dr. Anthony Fauci that he was "seriously worried" about the infectious disease expert's health during the first wave of the COVID-19 . Melinda French Gates and Bill Gates. But while these themes have fed the imagination of, In 2010, a former staffer with a government health initiative in Ghana made a. : a project partially funded by the Gates Foundation had tested the contraceptive Depo-Provera on unsuspecting villagers in the remote region of Navrongo, as part of an illicit population experiment. The woman making the charge was the Ghanian-born, U.S.-educated communications officer for another Gates-funded initiative by the Ghanaian government and Columbia University to use mobile phones to improve health care access for rural women and children. To Quassim Cassam, author of the book Conspiracy Theories, the anti-Gates attacks reflect a larger global trend towards populism, characterized by profound distrust of the establishment and experts. This is about gaining control over the human race and limiting population., Anti-Gates theories have resurfaced in Africa, as well. We are a nonprofit fighting poverty, disease, and inequity around the world. In announcing the process via a Massachusetts Institute of Technology news release in December 2019, its inventors suggested the injection method was mainly to aid developing countries . Celeste McGovern News July 16, 2012. The Institute celebrates its 20thyear with a special two-day convening of global leaders that explores ideas that will shape the future of family planning and reproductive health. Genocide! Silk explained. "COVID-19: Perspectives on the Global Response to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus." He has been using a loophole that allows health organizations to appear to be government agencies but are not independent and have been actually controlled by Gates. The quote is part of a TEDx talk Gates gave 12 years ago, and it has nothing to do witha purported conspiracy to control the number of humans in the world. The Kenyan Parliament was forced to have the vaccine tested repeatedly. Two decades of transforming family planning research, policy, and advocacy. The two organizations will launch milestone-driven projects on an agreed set of priorities, to include: T he landscape of family planning and reproductive health shifted in 1999. We work to build local capacity to collect, analyze, and use family planning data efficiently. But the reports real target, it seemed, was the Gates-backed health initiative in Navrongo. Three months into the global coronavirus pandemic, Bill Gates has displaced George Soros as the chief bogeyman of the right. The immunity conferred by past infection should be weighed . We work directly with countriesincluding India, Nigeria, and Ethiopiawhere our resources can have the greatest impact and where our foundation has a local presence. At ICFP in Addis Ababa,youth advocatesstart theInternational Youth Alliance for FamilyPlanning, which now has 1,200+ members in 80+ countries. Maafa 21: Black Genocide in 21st Century America. While the clip is real footage of the introduction to a lecture on Feb. 7, 2008, the full video on Vassars YouTube page shows that the alumni president was later corrected by Zabin in her lecture. Sources told the magazine that Bill Gates had . This story was reported in partnership with Type Investigations. And a White House petition demanding the billionaires foundation be investigated for medical malpractice and crimes against humanity amassed half-a-million signatures in three weeks. Five years ago, he warned us against a global pandemic. The same thing that Margaret Sanger pushed for, Diamond said. This is part of The Associated Press' ongoing effort to fact-check misinformation that is shared widely online, including work with Facebook to identify and reduce the circulation of false stories on the platform. In response to these and other conspiracy theories, including their contention that the virus was a plandemic, Fox Nation reportedly cut ties with the pair. You can subscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here. Fatimata Sy on partnering to expand access to contraceptives, Nothing for young people, without young people: Making family planning access youth-centered. By Saturday, the Gates-population control narrative had made its way onto conservative network One American News, quoting an anti-social distancing protester who charged,"This is not about COVID or about a virus. Deputy Director, Program Advocacy and Communications. Articles from The Associated Press and other news outlets in the 1990s corroborate that this was the name used at the time. A right-wing documentary, Maafa 21: Black Genocide in 21st Century America, used a Swahili word that refers to the holocaust of African enslavement to denounce Planned Parenthood as racist. Danny Jones, the pastor of a 250-member Georgia church, echoed similar accusations while predicting that Gates would use vaccines to usher in a new world order under which Christians might be forced to accept biometric tattoos. Learn more about fact-checking at AP. Zabin, a professor at John Hopkins and a leading expert in reproductive health, was the institutes director until 2002. Mr. Gates, who founded Microsoft with Paul Allen in 1975 and built it into a software behemoth, has largely devoted his time to philanthropic endeavors since he stepped back from the company in. stories of legitimate concern for instance, HIV-positive women in southern Africa had been pressured into sterilization procedures by local health care entities. A philanthropist, lawyer, and humanitarian, Mr. Gates had a profound influence in championing causes related to global equity and campaigns to address vaccine preventable diseases, reduce infant mortality, promote reproductive health, and build schools. 15/02/2022. USA TODAY reached out to the social media users who shared theclaim for comment. Social media users are claiming that billionaire tech titan Bill Gates is part of a conspiracy to depopulate the Earth. CSR Strategist focused on Impact investment with strong knowledge of community development issues. On Instagram, anti-vaccination activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., posted a, 984-style audience listening to Gates, with text declaring that the Microsoft Corp. co-founder, is conducting global social and medical experimentation, via the World Health Organization. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has had the same name since 2000, and grew out of the William H. Gates Foundation. We also engage on a more limited scale in Kenya, Pakistan, and Francophone West Africa. To hold decision-makers to account and expand the conversation on family planning, we work to elevate the voices of new and existing family planning champions in the spaces where they can have the most impact. During the pandemic, Gates has been linked to false claims. The Institutes enduring mission: Scholarship and Science for Social Change. Were also investing in new and innovative approaches to bring women and girls the information, services, and products that enable them to manage their own reproductive health. Maternal, Newborn & Child Health Discovery Tools. We took a deeper dive into this conspiracy back in 2016. Conspiracy theories suggesting an eventual vaccine is part of a nefarious plot could leave many of the worlds most vulnerable at greater risk; in the U.S. alone, a late April survey found. I am delighted to announce today that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) have entered into a new phase of cooperation to develop interventions to reduce major global health burdens. In many cases, current methods dont meet their needs. Melinda Gates (shown), the billionaire wife of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, announced at the recent Global Family Planning Summit in London that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The new narrative was that Gates was waging chemical warfare on poor women in a neocolonial effort to suppress African births.. Another post, which was retweeted more than 3,000 times, says: Before it was called the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation it was called something else.. He pointed to a line chart in the video that showed an inverse relationship between the improvement of health care andthe annual growth rate of the world population between 1980 and 2100. While this number is significant, it is much lower than the figure projected at the beginning of the pandemic, when it was estimated that 47 million women could lose access to family planning services. The year marked the creation of Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, with an initial investment from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health Celebrates 20 Years This is part of APs effort to address widely shared misinformation, including work with outside companies and organizations to add factual context to misleading content that is circulating online. In the two decades since, the Institute has helped transform family planning research, policy and advocacy, and performance monitoringand introduced disruptive innovations. When it launched in 2011, the Ouagadougou Partnership set an audacious goal for 2020: Increase the number of women using modern contraceptives by at least 2.2 million in nine francophone West African countries. The quote comes from a TEDx talk Gate gave about how to reduce carbon emissions. One, the foundations family planning work as genocide in Sub-Saharan Africa. Another, that Gates would turn to toxic Covid-19 vaccines to depopulate South Africa next, since it had become clear that this Depo is not working fast enough., A Lot of People are Saying: The New Conspiracism and the Assault on Democracy, , said that some people may simply see the proliferation of these conspiracy narratives as a vehicle to advance their agenda, exploiting the swirling outrage around Gates to introduce fringe arguments to a much larger audience. Anti-abortion groups hired black activists and highlighted uglier aspects of the history of reproductive health care in particular, the courting of the eugenics movement by Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger in the early part of the 20th century. Manpreet Singh oversees strategy and operations for three foundation teams: Family Planning; Maternal, Newborn & Child Health; and Nutrition. Tens of millions of that sum are dedicated to ensuring that vaccines are distributed in poor countries. One of the greatest public health successes to come out of the covid-19 pandemic was the development of safe and effective mRNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2.1 2 3 4 Approximately 92% of fully vaccinated Americans received an mRNA based vaccine, marking the first time that this vaccine delivery system has been used at scale.5 In the first year alone, all covid-19 vaccines are . Were heartened to see that many places have adapted to these challenging times by expanding telemedicine and updating guidelines so contraceptives are readily available and women can continue to safely access family planning care. Abortions! In April, dozens of Texans crowded around Infowars host Alex Jones at an anti-shutdown demonstration in Austin, Texas, chanting arrest Bill Gates. A New York-based tech nonprofit falsely rumored to be working with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to implant vaccine microchips in people received so many death threats that it contacted the FBI. Does saving more lives lead to overpopulation? Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation used to be called "The Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for population control"! Development of new contraceptive technologies is chronically underfunded, and investments have remained stagnant for years. Everyone deserves accurate information about COVID-19. We can't achieve our goals on our own. How the billionaire philanthropist displaced George Soros as the chief bogeyman of the right. One described the foundations family planning work as genocide in Sub-Saharan Africa. Another suggested that Gates would turn to toxic Covid-19 vaccines to depopulate South Africa next, since it had become clear that this Depo is not working fast enough.. of natural causes in 2020 at the age of 94. It also reflected an evolution in the U.S. anti-abortion movements strategy in which it started to co-opt the language of womens and civil rights used by progressives. Genocide! Silk explained. The foundations Family Planning team works to ensure that women and girls can access the contraceptives and family planning services they want and thus exercise their right to decide whether to have children and, if so, when and how many. Thank you for supporting our journalism. On Instagram, anti-vaccination activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., posted a video featuring a 1984-style audience listening to Gates, with text declaring that the Microsoft Corp. co-founder is conducting global social and medical experimentation, via the World Health Organization. $300 million to fighting the coronavirus and finding a vaccine. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has provided funding for a project that aims to record a patient's vaccination history by injecting dye under the skin. The top headline of the front page reads "Depopulation Through Forced Vaccination: The Zero Carbon Solution! Of course, the same side that is accusing Gates of planning an imminent eugenicist attack is also loudly pushing to reopen the economy, even though this will almost undoubtedly come at the cost of thousands of lives, overwhelmingly people of color. Alaa Murabit oversees the foundations health advocacy and communications work, in partnership with the Global Health and Global Development divisions. Billboards in Atlanta and Manhattan carried messages like, The most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb. And federal and state legislators proposed a series of bills banning race- and sex-selective abortions in order to insinuate that abortion providers deliberately target communities of color. We also support the development and testing of new indicators to help decision-makers prioritize, fund, and improve family planning services. This was an old misrepresentation of Gates. Melinda Gates, who emerged as the world's most visible spokesperson for access to contraception, revealed that BMGF intended to donate $1 billion toward supplying birth control to 120 million . Tech Startups, Bill Gates talked about using vaccines to control population growth, here is the unedited 2010 TED Talk video, Oct. 6,2021 YouTube, Bill Gates on Population Control , Aug. 15, 2011 The institute focuses on research in family planning, reproductive health and population dynamics. whose main donor since 2006 is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation . In response, were drawing on these lessons to inform innovative ways to make family planning products and information available to women and girls everywhere. Half of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation spending goes to Africa. It misidentifies former HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell as Melinda Gates in a picture. In 2000, the. Later, the reports lead author would suggest that people involved with the project should be charged with attempted genocide. The woman mistakenly refers to the institute as the Institute for Population Control, but full video from the event shows that Zabin later corrects her and reiterates that it is the Institute for Population and Reproductive Health., THE FACTS: Social media users are sharing the 14-second clip of Vassars then-alumni president misspeaking, falsely claiming it is evidence that the foundation co-chaired by the Microsoft founder and his ex-wife was once named the Institute for Population Control. In Kenya, all 27 members of the nations Conference of Catholic Bishops declared that a WHO/UNICEF campaign to administer neonatal tetanus vaccines to women of childbearing age was really a disguised population control programme. According to the bishops, the vaccines were laced with a hormone that would cause repeated miscarriages and eventual sterility. Anti-vaxxer and Pizzagate proponents began sharing old C-Fam articles as proof that Gates Thinks There Are Too Many Africans. And the White House petition resurrected the old Kenyan controversy, informing new believers that Gates has already been credibly accused of intentionally sterilizing Kenyan children through the use of a hidden HCG antigen in tetanus vaccines., By Saturday, the Gates-population control narrative had. While the clip is real footage of the introduction to a lecture on Feb. 7, 2008. on Vassars YouTube page shows that the alumni president was later corrected by Zabin in her lecture. Usa TODAY reached out to the 2019 Novel coronavirus. csr Strategist focused on Impact investment with knowledge! Contraceptives, Nothing for young people, without young people, without young people, without people! Shared theclaim for comment people: Making family planning research, policy, and advocacy described foundations. In a picture institutes enduring mission: Scholarship and Science for social Change Sep 2022 05:51:23 Jacob oversees... 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bill and melinda gates institute for population control
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