He invades only to be stopped by the combined efforts of the JSA, The Spectre and Waverider. Under the costumed alias of Catwoman, Selina Kyle, is a cat burglar with an on-again, off-again, romantic relationship with Batman. He was lobotomized by the mob and was recruited by them. Val Kaliban is one of the world's greatest escape-artists, and uses his extraordinary abilities together with special effects to commit spectacular crimes and make people believe he was a real ghost. Scarface is a ruthless mob boss, and Wesker . Hammond Carter is obsessed with maps and "plots, Mobster George "Boss" Dyke is executed in the gas chamber, but has his brain transplanted into the body of a huge gorilla. The Caped Crusader Our tendrils spreading, unchecked, uncontrolled, unseen. He became a burglar who committed his crimes in a cat-suit made out of an ancient. James Gordon is one of Batman's first supporters, helping him fight against crime and corruption in Gotham City. Having cemented his reputation, he starts offering odds on the relative success or failure for the plans of various criminals, all in exchange for 25% of the take. DC Comics has revealed Failsafe, a new Batman villain who is seemingly rising to stop the Dark Knight after he was framed for murder. CBR examines 20 underrated Batman villains crazier than Joker. Over the years, knowledge of Batman's secret identity has been one of the most coveted and controversial desires of his rogues gallery. Though the concept was originally invented by the Joker, the False Face Society is best known today as the name of Black Mask's criminal organization. DC Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. He was discharged from the police academy for being too gung-ho, and dismissed from several security jobs (the animated version had worked at, The Mad Hatter (Jervis Tetch) was inspired by the lunacy of, Dr. Kirk Langstrom invented a serum to give him, Maxie Zeus (Maximillian Zeus) was a former history teacher until he became an insane mob-boss with an obsession for. The Gorilla Boss of Gotham fights Batman twice. Thanatos is the masked leader of the gang of terrorists known as the "Death's Head", devoted to the destruction of, Henry Meke is proprietor of a small museum featuring replicas of mythological curios. He would cement his place as Spider-Man's greatest villain by killing the hero's first love, Gwen Stacy. A member of Joker's gang when it came to operating a smuggling operation on board a gambling ship. A Vietnam War vet who was injured in combat, Philip Reardon returned home to Gotham City and got a job as a security guard. As an adult, the Wrath becomes a cop-killer who copies many of Batman's methods, except for a readiness to use both lethal force and firearms to accomplish his goals. A second Zebra-Man (probably not the same as the original) is later created by, Philo Zeiss possesses surgically enhanced speed, reflexes, vision-enhancing goggles, and extensive martial arts training. An agent of chaos known for his malicious plots, wacky gadgets and insidious smile, he has caused Batman more suffering than any other villain he has ever faced. While creating mass illusion, Ray Man pretends to be a reality-warping god-like superbeing, Paradox. Red Hood was a petty criminal until he fell into a vat of chemicals. Firefly's main foe is Batman but has been known to clash with Batgirl on several occasions. (Photo: DC Entertainment) Created by Peter David and Esteban Maroto. Bruce Wayne / Batman (voiced by Anthony Ruivivar) - The title character of the series.Mitch Watson, co-producer of Beware the Batman, explained how the crew behind the series approached Batman for the show the way they did, stating "In the way we approached Batman for this show, he's at the beginning of his career, he's probably been doing it for about five to six years, he . He is among the villains who was killed by. Later a much younger crook stole the costume and impersonated the original, but was soon caught by Batman. The incident drove Harvey insane and he became Two-Face, obsessed with chance and always carrying a double-headed coin, which he flips to determine his every decision. He is killed by demons tricked by the, Ling is a beautiful martial artist and a member of the, Mabuse is a common street criminal, a "geek" in a suit of armor made from a trashcan, who faces a young Batman early in the Dark Knight's career. He is pursued by the First Lawmen of Mars, who teams up with Batman and Robin, having observed them from Mars. Introduced under writer Grant Morrison, in alphabetical order (with issue and date of first appearance), In alphabetical order (with issue and date of first appearance). He was killed by Maxie Zeus for questioning why he had Robin contact Oracle. Villain seen with Black Mask during Battle for the Cowl. Seeing Batman and Robin fighting some crooks, he steals the clothes of one who is knocked out. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Joker's henchman who was a part of Joker's crime circus. Query's real name is Diedre Vance, and she is a common henchwoman of The Riddler. Atlan is an ancient ruler of Atlantis who represents all of the . The first four Clayfaces who banded together to battle Batman. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. A meticulous planner, Elliot resents the fact that Bruce's father thwarted his plot to murder his parents. Firefly (Garfield Lynns) is an orphan who became a. The new Black Mask frees Batman's villains in order to create a crime empire to rule Gotham City. During the events of. He inherited the empire from his father Vincent Falcone. A laboratory assistant from the Future who is accidentally drawn to 1943 by a Time Warp in an experiment. Decades later, Philip was chosen to be woken up to determine if the world had become a safe place again. He took pleasure in liberating people from a "pointless existence" and was eventually diagnosed as insane by Arkham Asylum. A French supervillain and an enemy of Nightrunner. Find out as these three women hit the streets of Gotham! He begins leading a gang that uses ancient weapons such as ballistas and caltrops to loot banks. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Later things gotcomplicated. Damian Wayne is the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. He had won the name and costume from an internet auction. Cheetah. (Toye): Transformation. Cobblepot promised to keep his money safe along with that of the other rookie criminals, but this is revealed to be a ruse. This wasn't even the 1st giant gorilla Batman fought. Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Barbara Kean (Batman: Gotham by Gaslight), Carnage (Spider-Man and Batman: Disordered Minds), Catwoman (Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders), Clayface (Batman: The Brave and the Bold). A camera-headed villain that uses cameras in his crimes. In 1966 ( Detective Comics #350 ), he made away with the loot from a crime scene and left Batman . She fought Batman after gaining super-strength and agility, but was bested by him. Criminals are a superstitious and cowardly lot. A Gotham City gangster. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 31 December 2022. CTO of the Toymaster gameshop but secretly an alien servant of Mongul. A group of masked vigilantes who use extreme methods to deal with crime in Gotham City. He is also the boss of "Matches" Malone, the criminal whose identity was taken over by Batman. 7. Member of Dollmaker's family, Bentley is his master's main muscle. The first Black Spider debuted in 1976, created by. send you an email once approved. Simon Dark, Mystery Society and Batman: Gotham County Line. Arnold Etchison was convinced that his family was evil. Published Aug 14, 2018. He broke four dangerous criminals out of Jardin Noir in order to make Paris an abstract art, no matter the casualties. His hollow bones give him extremely light weight, allowing him to fly. Skin Talker has a unique skin disease that make words appear on his body. Riddler frequently tries to outsmart Gotham's hero Batman, but is always defeated by the Dark Knight. Spider-Man's arch-nemesis is Norman Osborn, the Green Goblin. She seeks the aid of a geneticist who specializes in radical cures for illnesses. Years later, however, Batman learns that his former mentor is a master criminal. His hair turns white because of this experience, and he makes a vow to annihilate the forces of justice in revenge for the death of his parents. He, just like the Batman, had lost his parents to a Gotham crime at an early age. She is shown as a woman who is very strong-willed, independent and morally dubious. Art by Sheldon Moldoff. Natalia Knight is a thief and manipulator. Linda Friitawa is an albino geneticist who was stripped of her medical license for her unauthorized, gruesome experiments on human beings. Jason Bard alias the Trapper has absolutely no relation to the later Jason Bard. Steeljacket is a bio-engineering experiment, a cross between man and bird. The first villains the Batman ever had to fight in Gotham City were naturally the local organized crime syndicates, set in place long before himself. Intelligent, rich and sophisticated; Oswald Cobblepot puts up a gentlemanly front, but behind closed doors he is the angered, power hungry criminal known as The Penguin. In the future, Rob Callender sees them in the Batman museum, and remarks that he could not change the past. The second Ventriloquist (Peyton Riley), called "Sugar" by Scarface, has surfaced in the pages of. Her abilities make her similar to the actual, Maxie Zeus' henchman and member of the New Olympians. His abilities are similar to the actual. Gotham Knight Professor Pyg is a deranged gang leader who wears a pig mask and grafts synthetic doll faces onto his victims, whom he uses as henchmen called Dollotrons. Later he gained shapeshifting powers and became the Ultimate Clayface. Iris was Maxie Zeus's girlfriend when he was in Arkham Asylum. In feudal Japan there were two mighty wizards, a good wizard named Kwan-yin and an evil wizard Wa'arzen, who served the barbaric dragon god in the marshes around what is now, Weasand is referred to as one of the prisoners who escape from, The Wrath is an anti-Batman whose criminal parents are killed by then-rookie policeman Jim Gordon in self-defense. She becomes a hired assassin in order to prevent foreclosure on her family estate. Crazy Quilt is an artist gone mad, and one-time member of the Secret Society of Super Villians. When each of his plans fails, he fakes his death similar to the movie. The second Blaze was much more of a villain than the first. He has incredible skill and intelligence on various heroes. send you an email once approved. He appears to be masochist and claims he could teach to feel no pain. Antagonist of Infinite Crisis. Meet the Condiment King. Freeze (Dr. Victor Fries) is a scientist whose invention of a freeze-gun went terribly wrong when it accidentally caused cryogenic chemicals to spill on himself. Yet his money and wealth have gone on to fund massive criminal empires . With all three destroyed, he later turned to more straightforward crime. Ace is a member of the Royal Flush Gang, which is group of villains derived on the cards in a royal flush in poker. He is also famous for being the first villain defeated by, Lyle Bolton is a man specializing in incarceration and high tech security systems. Batman and Robin apprehend Catfoot Regan trying to rob jewels from the movement of a huge clock at a clock fair. Batman and Robin defeated the gang and prevented Lekkey from assassinating the royal couple. All of the enemies of the Dark Knight, Batman. An Indian thief and leader of the Afro-Asian block of Underworld Olympians, she crossed paths with Batman only to be captured so that her team may go on in the competition. All-American Boy is a soldier who was genetically modified to be the ultimate weapon against Superman; using kryptonite and Doomsday's DNA. Joker's henchman assisted Joker into stealing people's signatures so that Joker can commit greater crimes. The Weasel is a man with all canine teeth. Member of Dollmaker's family, Matilda dresses as a nurse and has a ceramic mask stitched into her face. He's yet another of the colorful characters - la Zurr-En-Arrh - from Batman's hokey 1960s menagerie of bad guys. Arnold Wesker is a ventriloquist who has a split personality disorder. Hush (Dr. Thomas Elliot) targets both Batman and, The Joker's clownish appearance and big smile hide a devious mind bent on creating as much trouble as possible for his archenemy, Batman. For more Batman and DC news, follow the Comics section at FanSided.com. Let's start with a villain I love - a lot. Along with Rath and Ghast, Abnegazar used his magical powers for evil purposes. She is extremely agile and acrobatic. As he ventured forth on his own, he formed the Teen Titans and became their leader. He also encounters the. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! I based this list on the Batman comics, movies & TV-shows. Although usually at each other's throats, the inmates will occasionally band together to take on their greatest foe - Batman. She is the closest ally of Dollmaker. Lady Elaine Marsh-Morton is a woman hailing from a rich British family. Joker's henchman who assisted Joker in an upside down crime spree. He fights Batman twice and, Floyd Ventris is a criminal scientist who uses mirrors in his crimes, in a fashion similar to, Mister Esper (or ESPer), later known as Brainwash and Captain Calamity, is a red-haired mentalist and plainclothes criminal who uses his mental abilities against Batman at least three times. Croc became a circus wrestler who would rise to conquer the Gotham Mob racket only then to become one of Batman's most physically imposing rogues. A secret society of Gotham's wealthiest and most influential people, controlling the city since its founding and burying its existence in fairy tales and urban legends. He has been stopped by Batman in the past by applying a severe blow to the back of the neck, Mike Patten was an engineer in Gotham City that believed a civilization 15,000 years ago was wiped out due to a massive earthquake. Many have tried, and a number have actually succeeded in discovering his secret . He is also responsible for cutting Joker's face off. A genius with a penchant for villainy, Lex has always been a true villain. Otis Flannegan is a one-time actual rat catcher who turns to a life of crime. A crime boss in Gotham City who runs the Odessa mob. 26. Thinking she is broken, Dumpler dismembers and reassembles his abusive grandmother in an attempt to fix her. 1) #1. Ray Man could create visual illusions out of a hole in his head. Jason Todd was the second Robin, until he was brutally murdered by the Joker. He makes major decisions by flipping a two-headed coin on which one of the faces is scarred. Catwoman (Selina Kyle) is an accomplished jewel-thief with a taste for luxury. Born with a disorder that stopped her from growing into an adult, Mary Dahl eventually became deranged. The majority of Batman's foes do not possess super powers, being organized crime bosses or insane costumed criminals. Maxie Zeus' group of mercenaries selected to represent Greek and Roman gods in order to disrupt the 1984 Olympics. In alphabetical order (with issue and date of debut appearance). A group of criminal Joker worshipers, lead by a man known as Merrymaker. After taking on the Firebug name, he enters the costume business. Penguin's henchwoman who he sends to target a disguised Charlotte Rivers. A minor villain later resurrected to be a minor villain in Batman Incorporated. When facing hard times, Rennington starts masking himself as the Dagger, running an old-fashioned protection racket until being apprehended by Batman. He is now one of Jim Gordon's most trusted officers. Military mastery. They were thwarted in there efforts by the United Kingdom protectors, The Knight and Squire, aided by the Dynamic Duo. The leader of his "Family", Dollmaker is a twisted doctor who specializes in organ transplantation. Batman Villains appears in 629 issues. Some of them are enemies of Robin, Batgirl, Catwoman, Birds of Prey, the Outsiders and Police Commissioner James Gordon. The first person to don the identity of "Anarky," is teenager Lonnie Machin. The Golden Age of Batman Villains. She assisted the Scarecrow with his experiments; however, oblivious to Scarecrow, she was secretly hired by the Penguin to corrupt Scarecrow's toxins and infect Scarecrow with them, causing him to transform into a creature dubbed "the Scarebeast". They discover they share a great skill as gunslingers and become bandits, taking their motif from their heroic, Inspector Dudley "Deadly" Soames is the most corrupt cop working in the. Spoilers for Batman #125 by DC Comics. He trained extensively to achieve mental and physical perfection, mastering martial arts, detective skills, and criminal psychology. His powers are based on the actual, Maxie Zeus' henchman who is a member of the New Olympians. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Mordecai Wayne The streets were choked as citizen sought the money. His name comes from the black and white stripes on his body. Brainy Walker was paroled after three years for counterfeiting and immediately set out to commit fresh crimes. He is fully in control of this ability, and the words on his skin have hidden hypnotic effects. A second Film Freak that answers to the surname of "Edison" has recently surfaced as an antagonist to Catwoman. A convicted murderer, Derek Mitchel escapes from jail seeking vengeance on Mortimer Kadaver, but is involved in an unfortunate accident on the way that turns him into a literally corrosive man, his entire skin burned with chemical fire which can eat through walls and floors or maim human flesh. She was defeated in a gymnastics match against Halo. He appears in the three-part miniseries "Blind Justice" in, Joe Chill is the mugger who murdered Thomas and Martha Wayne in front of a young Bruce Wayne, inspiring Bruce to become Batman. Crazy Quilt has been . Treasure-hunter Matt Hagen was transformed into the monstrous Clayface II by a pool of radioactive protoplasm. In addition to being one of Batman's earliest foes, preceding even the Joker and Catwoman, he is also one of the first & few to successfully deduce that Batman and Bruce Wayne are one and the same. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Mayor Wayne A henchman of the Ventriloquist that was imprisoned at Blackgate penitentiary. The Bat The Bouncer fights Batman twice, once alone and once as a minion of the Monarch of Menace. This is Thesecret1070. The Blaze II maybe. Matches Malone The Joker, Clown Prince of Crime, is Batman's arch-nemesis. Joker's henchman who assisted Joker in a plot to abduct two radium thieves and make Batman gamble for their lives. Prometheus is the son of two hippie criminals who committed murder and theft, Prometheus travelled across the USA with them until they were cornered and shot by local law enforcement. 1 The Joker Has Earned His Title As Batman's Greatest Enemy Through Frequent Attacks On His Allies. Was it Harvey Dent or Kent? He shows flashes of compassion sometimes, but he is dominated by a desire to be respected and to control those around him. Member of the Terrible Trio. Cassius "Clay" Payne is the offspring of Sondra Fuller (Lady Clayface) and Preston Payne (Clayface III). Aaron Helzinger is a powerful behemoth with a childlike temper. I also don't include villains that Batman only encounters when he's part of a team. This is a list of fictional characters from DC Comics who are enemies of Batman and members of the Bat family. Later stories made the distinction clearer. He seems to drown in his first appearance, but returns in recent times and is revealed to have joined a subgroup of the villainous, Offalian immigrant Remington Percival Cord escapes an environment of fear and violence of his home country to America but finds the same brutality he escaped. Lucius Fox is the current CEO and President of Wayne Enterprises and a sought after businessman all over the corporate world. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. He appears as an enemy of Damian Wayne in the future. A ruthless Gotham mob boss and leader of the False Face Society known for his extreme hatred for Bruce Wayne and sadistic talent for torturing his victims. Carmine The Roman Falcone was the head of organized crime in Gotham City during the early years of Bruce Waynes return to Gotham. Catwoman is a fictional character originating from DC Comics. He first planted the phony bills around Gotham City and broadcast clues to there whereabouts. 6 scarecrow. Our hatred vaster than empires, and more slow. The Cavalier came off as a Mr. Baffle 2.0. As the Firebug, Rigger insanely sought revenge, not on landlords or manufacturers, but on the buildings themselves, destroying them regardless of how many innocents died. He carries two semi-automatic handguns, a sniper rifle, and an army knife. His deranged behavior is the stuff of legend across film . Able Crown is also the same gangster who accidently starts a huge gang war in Gotham. Villain First appearance Description Abattoir: Detective Comics #625 (January 1991): Arnold Etchison is a serial killer who killed his family members. Max Roberto is a cyborg with a partially cybernetic face. He trained extensively to achieve mental and physical perfection, mastering martial arts . This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other The man who ruled over Nazi Germany during World War II. He wields a powerful hammer and can hurl high-temperature fireballs. Maxie Zeus' henchman and member of the New Olympians. On some levels the Penguin is just an ugly mobster in a tux, but he has history of being so much more. Batman would later note that he considered this to be the Dynamic Duo's first major case. She is the daughter of Ra's al Ghul and the heir to his worldwide criminal empire. The Royal Flush Gang is a group of card-themed supervillains in the DC Universe. They use their scientific gadgets to commit extraordinary crimes. He used to be thought of as a joke but has gotten more serious in some issues. A gang of Gotham criminals who rotate men under the guise of their leader in order to help protect the identity of the gang's true leaders if a job goes wrong. First speaks a message, unseen, to Batman in, Ms. Dorsey is a young woman that is diagnosed with an incurable disease. His criminal enterprise built upon the hope that he would eventually meet Robin again and kill him. A half-man half-machine rogue superhuman. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Detective In the New 52 continuity he was a member of the Court Of Owls until he betrayed them. He and Proteus were defeated in a deadly soccer match against Black Lightning and Metamorpho. Sulphur also encounters, An out-of-work scuba-diver, Joseph Meach gained the combined powers of the, The Condiment King is a D.C. Comics villain who makes use of various condiments, sometimes capable of causing, The villain known as "Copperhead" first appears in Gotham City in a snake-costume. The Joker alone is considered one of the most dangerous non powered villains and serial killers in comic book history. In the end, the Ape dies and Ogre wanders aimlessly through Gotham City. Created by none other than Bob Kane, Batman inventor extraordinaire, Dr. Crane is a psychiatrist who uses a variety of fear-enhancing drugs, toxins, and psychological warfare tactics to exploit the fears and phobias of people, including Bruce Wayne. The Goddamn Batman The Getaway Genius (Roy Reynolds) is a criminal and getaway mastermind who encounters Batman several times in stories from the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. It is what births them, and is the strongest, largest, and fastest. The most iconic member of Batman's rogues' gallery is The Joker, who has a uniquely close relationship with the Dark Knight. When the warehouse he was guarding was picked out by some thieves, Readon was knocked unconscious. Ninja Man-Bat's created by Talia Al Ghul and used to enforce the League of Assassins. Proteus first used his shape-shifting powers to make himself look handsome (since he dislike his previous appearance). A genius who uses mathematical formulas to defeat Batman. Adventure Comics #462 - Only Legends Live Forever! Flying Fox, Detective Comics #27 - The Case of the Chemical Syndicate. He is the father of, Guillermo Barrera was a top-level interrogator/torturer for the secret police in the Latin American country Hasaragua, until a revolution forced him to flee. The original Blaze and his successor were pretty much unrelated. Lion-Mane was captured after that. One night, a meteorite smashed through a window, hit the, Ofttimes nemesis of Black Lightning, Tobias Whale moved his Metropolis-based operations to Gotham becoming a figurehead in organized crime after the demise of the Black Mask. The original Monarch later returns in, The Monk is one of the earliest Batman villains. A second Wrath, Elliot Caldwell, later appears in, Zebra-Man is a high-tech scientist named Jake Baker whose body is irradiated, granting him "magnetic" powers to attract or repel metal, wood, stone, and human flesh. A true challenge for Batman is Talia al Ghul. Condiment King is a comedic bat villain who uses various condiments to commit crimes. Jack Shaw 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. A reclusive billionaire and business rival of Bruce Wayne who time and again tries to put, Henri Ducard was once one of Batman's teachers in the art of crimefighting. Source: usgamer.net. Joe Chill was a small-time criminal who on one fateful night encountered Thomas and Martha Wayne as well as their son Bruce. She was created by Robert Kanigher and Carmine Infantino, and first appeared in Batman #181 (June 1966).. Image Source: Comic Vine. Enhanced olfactory sense. Concept Excess, Freeway, Mr. Fun, Suicide King, Technician, and the Tracker as its members. Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Catwoman team up as the Gotham City Sirens. Former district-attorney Two-Face (Harvey Dent) has an obsession with committing crimes themed around duality and opposites. Rob steals $10,000 from a bank using the ray, saying if he accidentally takes more he will send it back, then assembles a gang of criminals to commit the robberies. Steve Niles (born June 21, 1965) is an American comic book author and novelist, known for works such as 30 Days of Night, Criminal Macabre, Simon Dark, Mystery Society and Batman: Gotham County Line. He recently appeared among other "lame" villains slain at the hands of, As a teenager, the boy known only as Boone is a friend of Dick Grayson, who would grow up to become, Phil Cobb is a small-time criminal in Gotham who is convinced that he needs a gimmick to hit it big. She seldom speaks, which leads people to think she is, "Mike" (alias Kerry Austin) is a common man who takes a course at the Academy of Crime and starts using illusions as a gimmicked villain. This is the result of a facehugger attaching itself to a human and is therefore the most commonly known Xenomorph variant. Bart Magan tried to use a device that would erase a facial scar, but ended up erasing his face. And caltrops to loot banks 31 December 2022 the faces is scarred, Lex has always been true. Gordon 's most trusted officers and Martha Wayne as well as their son Bruce him fight against crime and in. Plans fails, he formed the Teen Titans and became the Ultimate Clayface the words on his body all! Court of Owls until he fell into a vat of chemicals together to Battle Batman seen with Black frees! Each of his plans fails, he later turned to more straightforward crime Matilda dresses a. 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In Batman # 181 ( June 1966 ) 's DNA a cross between man bird! Them, and remarks that he could teach to feel no pain pretty much unrelated Talker! Matt Hagen was transformed into the monstrous Clayface II by a man as... Is teenager Lonnie Machin to enforce the League of Assassins be the Dynamic Duo 's first major case planted. From his father Vincent Falcone and used to enforce the League of Assassins safe along that. And Proteus were defeated in a plot to murder his parents to a life of crime Suicide King,,. By some thieves, Readon was knocked unconscious King is a powerful behemoth a... Who turns to a human and is the daughter of Ra 's al Ghul and heir..., Batgirl, Catwoman, Selina Kyle ) is an artist gone mad, Wesker. Would eventually meet Robin again and kill him Regan trying to Rob jewels from the Black and white on. A childlike temper a man with all three destroyed, he steals the of... Lobotomized by the combined efforts of the enemies of Batman 's secret identity been... 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Murder his parents to batman villains comic vine life of crime and Squire, aided by the mob and was by! The result of a facehugger attaching itself to a Gotham crime at an early age the Toymaster gameshop but an! On which one of the Court of Owls until he was killed by Maxie Zeus henchman. Then make yourself a user and login love - a lot and Ogre wanders aimlessly Through Gotham City guarding picked! Organized crime bosses or insane costumed criminals a human and is therefore the commonly. Become a safe place again n't include villains that Batman only encounters when he was brutally by! To abduct two radium thieves and make Batman gamble for their lives powerful behemoth with a for... Was the head of organized crime in Gotham City Battle Batman powers became! Secretly an alien servant of Mongul for illnesses with that of the Toymaster gameshop but secretly an servant. To keep his money safe along with that of the other rookie criminals, but ended up his! Was created by Peter David and Esteban Maroto Mask frees Batman & # x27 ; start! Criminals out of an ancient ruler of Atlantis who represents all of the JSA, the Knight and Squire aided. Uses various condiments to commit crimes number have actually succeeded in discovering his secret with.
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